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I am SO sick of this with PC games.

I just paid for MCSF_Marines, I got through the basic game mechanics, started a campaign, started to really LIKE the game - and I crash to desktop some time after the first move or two.

I have updated my Nvidia drivers but same result.

Any general tips for preventing crashes with this game would be appreciated.

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You posted in two threads about your video problem, the other one involved an AMD/ATI Radeon video card, but you have an Nvidia-based video card, is that correct ?

We haven't seen crashing problems specifically linked to Nvidia video cards. There is a "lighting bug", but that does NOT cause crashing. The AMD/ATI Catalyst drivers had a bug in the past with the 9.4 - 9.9 Catalysts that caused consistent crashing withing 5-20 minutes of playing the game, but Nvidia didn't suffer this particular problem to my knowledge.

What video card, drivers and Windows version are you running ? Do you have any utilities monitoring the temperature of the CPU, video card or any other components in your system ? When you crash, is it a crash to the desktop (CTD) with no other messages or do you get an error dialog box mentioning a particular issue or does your computer react even more harshly (blue screening, rebooting, etc.) ?

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Here is my card and driver info...

Primary Adapter

Graphics Card Manufacturer Built by ATI

Graphics Chipset ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series

Device ID 9495

Vendor 1002

Subsystem ID 0028

Subsystem Vendor ID 1002

Graphics Bus Capability AGP

Maximum Bus Setting AGP 8X

BIOS Version

BIOS Part Number 113-SBRK2G01-00R-00

BIOS Date 2009/07/02

Memory Size 1024 MB

Memory Type DDR3

Core Clock in MHz 750 MHz

Memory Clock in MHz 873 MHz

Total Memory Bandwidth in GByte/s 27.9 GByte/s

Driver Packaging Version 8.62-090505a-080607E-ATI

Catalyst™ Version 09.6

Provider ATI Technologies Inc.

2D Driver Version

2D Driver File Path System/CurrentControlSet/Control/Video/{44FE3432-91CB-4EE1-936C-122A9E2178B4}/0000

Direct3D Version

OpenGL Version

Catalyst™ Control Center Version 2009.0505.2224.38401

AIW/VIVO WDM Driver Version

AIW/VIVO WDM SP Driver Version

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It looks like you have the 9.6 Catalyst drivers, which DO have a problem with the CMx2 series of CMSF and CMA (Afghanistan). However I notice that you have a Radeon 4600 series that is AGP and that can cause some problems.

ATI/AMD stopped supporting AGP awhile ago, but sometimes brings back support in certain drivers. In the past you would have to get a custom driver from the specific video card manufacturer to get it to work (since the newer Catalysts only supported PCIe). I can't quite tell from your driver information which particular version of Windows you're running.

Try this Catalyst 10.10 AGP Hotfix driver (you will need to make the correct selection in the links provided for your particular Windows version and whether it is 32 or 64-bit) and see if it helps. Unfortunately you just can't download any particular driver you want since, as I mentioned previously, ATI/AMD has dropped support for AGP in their standard Catalyst drivers.

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I think you should be fine with the video card that you have. It is getting pretty hard to find AGP video cards. You'll have a larger selection when considering used, but they'll most likely be older and slower GPUs.

I believe your video card should work fine with CMSF with a good set of Catalyst drivers. I'm not particularly aware of any bugs with the Catalysts concerning CMSF or CMA at this point in time.

If you find no way of getting it to work for some reason, then with an AGP slot, your choices are fairly narrow without looking for a used video card. For Nvidia based video cards the GeForce 6200 still seems to be available for AGP, but it is probably only HALF AS FAST as your Radeon 4650.

If you're willing to find a used video card, then a Geforce 6600, 6800, 7600, 7800 or 7900 series may be worth trying. You'll have to watch out for bad GPU fans or other possible problems though when purchasing used video cards. With the Nvidia GeForces, I would recommend some older video drivers such as 186.18 for Windows XP 32-bit. This driver does NOT have an annoying bug that causes lighting issues with fire, etc. that exists with 190 series all the way up to the most current and beta releases.

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A note of caution involving these drivers. While they're from ATI/AMD, they may not always install properly for some Radeon 4650's from what I've read around the net. You may need to make a selection during the installation process of NOT installing the Catalyst Control Center (CCC) or possibly manually installing some of these files once they've been extracted.

So make sure to have an installer of your current video drivers ready before installing these latest drivers, in case something doesn't work.

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