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Ok starting fresh with windows 7!!

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Ok wiped my machine from Vista to Windows 7.......

1) To license do I just enter my module licenses? Do I need the base game license anymore?

2) Install all CMSF products as an admin.

3) Any thing else I need to look at? Previously had vista (32bit) and everything worked fine....will Windows 7 (64) have any other issues??

Looking forward to installing the Nato module!!

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Did you UNLICENSE the game and modules before upgrading your OS to Windows 7 ? If you did not, then you may have 'lost' an activation. You need to unlicense the game/modules BEFORE performing any of the following:

1) Reformatting the hard drive ('clean' OS reinstalls, etc.).

2) Reinstalling or Upgrading the OS.

3) Any major hardware changes, primarily any of the following: a new motherboard, a new CPU, a new video card (new non-boot hard drives should not be an issue).

4) Disposing/selling the computer or boot hard drive.

5) Uninstalling the game permanently from a computer.

Assuming you have the base game and all of the modules (and none of them 'bundles'), follow this installation routine. Also make sure to right-click and select "Run as administrator" from the popup menu when running any of the installers or licensing them and just running the game too:

1) Install CMSF. Do NOT launch it or attempt to license it.

2) Install the Marines module.

3) Launch CMSF and you should get a dialog box to license the Marines module.

4) When you get into CMSF the base game and the Marines module are now licensed (with just the Marines license key). You should be at version 1.10/1.11 and you should see the Army Stryker and Marines LAV icons in the lower left corner of the main menu.

5) Install the British Forces module.

6) Launch CMSF and you should get a license dialog box for the British Forces module. License it.

7) When you get into CMSF you should now be at version 1.20 and you should see the Army Stryker, Marines LAV and British Challenger icons in the lower left corner of the main menu.

8) Download and install the 1.21 patch. During the installation make sure to make the selection of "Update CMSF + Marines + British modules" from the drop-down dialog. If you do not, then when you launch CMSF you will probably be asked for the CMSF license key and the Marines and British Forces content will be missing. If that happens, then just reinstall the 1.21 patch and make sure to make the correct selection this time.

9) When you get the NATO module, just install it and then license it when you launch. You should now be at version 1.30 and the NATO content should be present.

If you have a bundle of any sort, then some things in this installation order get changed. If you have the 'Marines & British Forces' module bundle, then you will need to install the 1.10 patch BEFORE installing that module bundle.

You will need to have the 1.21 patch installed BEFORE installing the NATO module.

The 64-bit version of Windows 7 should work fine with CMSF, though the default installation directory changes to:

'\Program Files (x86)\Battlefront\Combat Mission Shock Force'

Be aware of the possible need to modify your DEP (Data Execution Prevention) settings and also disable most of your security software (temporarily). If you have changed security software for Windows 7 64-bit, you may want to list what you are using in this thread if you run into problems attempting to run the game.

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