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F1 2010 (EA Race game)


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what? are you sure...i was thinking it is published by EA. ok codies then, i dont think they are "much" better though.

still the previews talked rather well about it so i thought i try it out.

ok my questions;

last "new" race game i played was NFS shift, and you could do setups for your car. now the idea was good but some retard forgott to let us save the setup for a track. in multiplayer you switch tracks nearly every race and you can not fix up setups as fast as you change tracks.

all other race games "i play" let you save the setups for each track and each car, and i dont want to miss that.

now i saw F1 2010 lets you do setups too but can you save them for a track? if not this is reatarded unfortunately.

how arcadish is it still with NO driving aids on? i am more into sim racing and would like to try the game cause it looks pretty good honestly said. but i fear the multiplayer matches will be domminated by drivers shortcutting shikanes for no real penalties and generally many wreckers like with most codies race games i tried so far :(

i am just barely interessted in offline play in race games, i would spend my time nearly 100% online after a few rounds to warm up to the game and setup the wheel with this game.

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I think it's got plenty to keep the sim racer happy. If your a dedicated sim racer wanting the full experience then I suspect it's going to leave you feeling shortchanged... it is, after all, a game and not a sim, but that said it's probably the best F1 racing sim out since Geoff Crammond gave up his work.

I can tell you (imho) it leaves NFS Shift in the dust as regards simulating a race...

Here's the Eurogamer review, rather than me bang on about how great it is.. :)


I can't 100% guarantee the info about saving setups for different tracks but I believe you can save a setup for each track. I know you arrive at each track with a pre-configured setup by the engineers that is different for each track. I'll have a word tomorrow and try and get it confirmed... :)

Some info relating to setups that might interest you:

Will setups from offline be usable online? And will we be able to trade/swap setups with friends online?

Yes, you can use your offline setups online, and in fact we’ve actually not included an online practice mode due to this very reason. We fully expect players to spend hours perfecting their setups offline before unleashing them to the world! There isn’t an in-game system whereby car setups are traded or swapped online, but the screens are fairly simple to use so this could easily be done on the forums.

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wow that sounds really good, if its true you can save the setups then they make sense!

well i played shift and grid as examples of more arcadish titles, so if its something like that or a little bit more towards sim, i will try it for sure. i mean i dont expect it to be a 100% sim, but it shouldnt be to simple with no driving aids while still beeing fun.

great and the release is not far away, i will dust off my wheel.


well i didnt played a collin game since CMR05, i somehow didnt liked the last incarnations. also i am more into tarmac :D

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sorry for the double post;

since you seem to be well informed bout that title, maybe you also know if the lap count is somehow caped at a weird low number. like maximum of 12 rounds or so? or do we get full program with up to 60 or 70 rounds or so?

in a preview video on youtube i saw a race where they only had 3 laps but where forced to do pitstop...i mean that weird.


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Just had it confirmed you can save different setups for different tracks...

It's definitely more sim than Shift and Grid. See the post here from the designer about the effort that went into handling.


Not to say the huge effort that went into things like tyre wear, weather etc etc...

In single player mode I believe you can choose absolutely everything from race length to track etc.

In online mode, there is a maximum of 12 laps I believe that can be set. When online mode is setup you can enforce a pit stop or not, so it's possible to have a 3 lapper with a pit stop if it's configured by the hoster that way...

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Just had it confirmed you can save different setups for different tracks...

It's definitely more sim than Shift and Grid. See the post here from the designer about the effort that went into handling.


Not to say the huge effort that went into things like tyre wear, weather etc etc...

that was a good read, i like the fact that the guy writing it and the guy makeing the handling of the car, where playing rfactor at times. this can only lead to to good handling :D

In online mode, there is a maximum of 12 laps I believe that can be set. When online mode is setup you can enforce a pit stop or not, so it's possible to have a 3 lapper with a pit stop if it's configured by the hoster that way...

this is one thing i will never get, in most more arcadish and arcade/sim balanced titles you get a verry smal maximum lap count in MP. also if the the game in single player, lets you drive long races, suddenly in multiplayer it is cut down by 1/3 to 2/3 mostly.

now in this game again, i mean i was hopeing for more laps, at least 25 or so, but i come to think that there may be a reason for it. maybe becouse of server ram or wahtever?

i was thinking they simply can add a 30 instead of a 12 in the code and it would go wonderfully with the pit stops becouse if tire wear is on you want to pit in anyway in a 40 lap race, noone needs to force you to do it with an option.

even the super soft should make it 12 laps, and a forced pit stop seems artificial there.

in this regard i think they could have got much much more out of pitstops when they simply would allow for longer races in multiplayer as the need to pit in comes naturally there.

but still this is nothing game breaking, i have to see how this works out when i play it :D

in the end the handling needs to be fine for me, there have to be ppl to play in multiplayer and it should have good FFB effects that are in the best case in an open file where you can set the FFB the way you like. thats the 3 most important things in race games for me. and on top this one got good grapics, its like the dot on the "i".

so, anyone playing this title when it comes out, or already plays it in the US maybe? i would be up for some private multiplayer races with no wrecking :D

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this is one thing i will never get, in most more arcadish and arcade/sim balanced titles you get a verry smal maximum lap count in MP. also if the the game in single player, lets you drive long races, suddenly in multiplayer it is cut down by 1/3 to 2/3 mostly.

It's usually because it's hard to skill match, and the longer the race goes on, the more behind the lesser skilled player gets. It's not much fun (for most players) being 12 laps into a 30 lap race and already 2 laps behind.. hence a huge amount of quitting goes on. We have a similar problem with our cricket game in multiplayer where even a 20 over game results in a huge amount of quitting once one player has demonstrated he's miles better than the other...

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just because of the quitting? i was under the impression it would regulate itself by players joining sessions with many laps if they want long races and players that look for sprint type races join servers with low lap count.

is a human crowd to stupid for this?

in my situation if i know in this game a good lap on monza is, lets say for example, 1:56:XXX and i can do a 1:58:XXX or better, then i would join a server with high lap count. i mean it comes naturally again, the more laps you can do without failure and the more consitent they are, the longer you want your race to be, as there is more time for things to happen like opponents making a mistake or someone kills his engine or something. also agression of the opponents is greatly reduced the more laps you got as there is more time to work on your position.

now when i can do a monza lap in 2:05:XXX i join sprint races as the skill of the average opponent goes down but unfortunately agression goes up because of short time to win. both things you dont like but you have to take.

still i was not thinking that the race game playing part of humanity can not wield a 25 laps option as max in multiplayer, without quiting on it. thats sad.


well if you mean the nordschleife addition to the nürburgring GP layout, then yes, 12 laps there is quiet a bit, but i hardly think it is included(would be the bomb though!) as it was not raced on by F1 cars since like 79 or something like that. nürburgring GP layout is quiet compact i think.

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just because of the quitting? i was under the impression it would regulate itself by players joining sessions with many laps if they want long races and players that look for sprint type races join servers with low lap count.

is a human crowd to stupid for this?

in my situation if i know in this game a good lap on monza is, lets say for example, 1:56:XXX and i can do a 1:58:XXX or better, then i would join a server with high lap count.

still i was not thinking that the race game playing part of humanity can not wield a 25 laps option as max in multiplayer, without quiting on it. thats sad.

It's a game remember, not a simulation and has to cater for console players mainly. Not everything can be included and what get's left out is usually what appeals least to the majority...

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Just a quick update Pandur...

There's 3 quick start settings in Multiplayer the longest of which is 20% of a full race.

There is also in the menu settings I notice a custom setting session I hadn't seen before, this looks like you *might* be able to set a longer race. I'll check tonight now I have my copy and let you know...

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picked up my copy today at 0900 at the local gamestop at my parents place. i just arived at home and i am installing now. the install seems to be quiet large, takes a while :D

even if 12 laps is the real maximum, it will do. in the US forums, where people seem to have the game since yesterday or the day befor, the talk about a ugly pit stop bug, from what i read its not too bad but lets see, i stick to single player for today or the next two days or so, to set up my wheel and pedals sensetivety the way i like it and get used to the handling.

if you check out the MP options befor i go into MP, you can write it down if you see there are more then 12 laps possible, if not i see it tomorrow i guess.

since i got my copy now it doesnt matter too much, becouse i cant change it and if i see it today or tomorrow myself does not matter now anymore.

so, Pak, what type of racer are you? you drive with aids on or off?

if you drive with aids off we could do some multiplayer trainings sessions sometime if you like. i am usually a verry controlled and calculating racer, i dont ram or wreck anybody, only by accident :D

so if we start a 12 lap race and dont take it as race but simply drive together and look up each others way to drive and maybe the slower one of us can learn something from the faster person.

i personally like such training sessions verry much, relaxed driving for performace without haveing the pressure of a race, means if someone spins out into the gravel the other waits up for the guy haveing the accident to come back.

something along that line.

on the other hand you sound pretty busy, so maybe you wont have time for this.

anyhow, thanks for feeding me some infos bout F1 2010, especially the bit that you can save the setups for each track was the decisive impulse to purchase and try it out.

thanks a lot,

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Not a problem mate... glad to help out, enjoy the game!

I'm a console racer tbh... all my hardcore strategy gaming is done on PC and my lighter gaming such as FIFA, Madden etc, gets done on my XBOX.

My driving style is a tribute to the late, great Colin Mcrae.. "If in doubt, flat out..", thus I fail at anything remotely approaching a simulation.... :)

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ah well not so bad, to each his own!

my last consol was a play station(1), and since then i am gaming on PC only. to bad you race on consoles, so even if we wanted to, we would not be able to drive a few laps together.

thanks again,

PS.: if you, MeatEtr, suddenly feel like playing a relaxed F1 session over the net just let me know. i always look forward to find people, one can simply drive with and talk over TS or the like.

driving public is only half the fun :)

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