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Need drivers for GeForce2 MX/MX400

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Okay, I got this from the online help here at battlefront: "Cause/Solution: This issue appears in various Nvidia reference drivers including the 12.xx based Detonator 3 drivers. Nvidia has recently *leaked* a new set of Beta drivers which are version 27.10 (or higher).

From our own internal testing as well as reports from several players these 27.10 drivers (or higher) DO FIX all reported graphics issues in both Windows XP and Windows 2000.

Please note, these drivers are still in beta so use them at your own risk.

You can find these drivers at the following websites:



I can't seem to access these sites. Can anyone tell me an alternate source, or email me the appropriate files?

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Thanks guys - for some reason one of the guru URLs on the tech support page worked, and the other didn't - but then I was faced with the agony of choice.

Firefly, which file did you download? They had a bunch of different options, some of which had a smilie icon beside them - the most recent ones. I would hate to void my warranty on the second day I own my computer, if that's possible!

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I downloaded the 27.10 version as that was the one mentioned by BTS, so far I've had no problems, touch wood. I did it a couple of hours after receiving my new PC on Monday. I don't know if you noticed, but Win XP gives you the option of rolling back drivers if the new ones cause problems.

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Thanks Firefly. I installed the new driver and rebooted, but the problem is still the same. Perhaps I misdiagnosed? I am running an NVIDIA GeForce 2 MX/MX400 and the symptoms are -

The white portions of "system text" flickers or is transparent. I can live with this but for one thing - the background of AAR and briefing screens appears black, and so you can't read the text at all.

The white portions of the buttons on the main menu screen flicker and/or go transparent - the ones that say GO BACK, SCENARIO, JOIN MULTIPLAYER etc.

On the interface screen during play, the white text there is also transparent, as well as white portions of the national flag icons in the interface window. In game graphics and text appear to be unaffected (in the 3D window I mean).

I am a bit leery of trying other drivers; I am hoping perhaps someone else has the same system or graphics card as I do and can suggest a fix...(?)

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Thanks Firefly. I installed the new driver and rebooted, but the problem is still the same. Perhaps I misdiagnosed? I am running an NVIDIA GeForce 2 MX/MX400

Sorry can't really help - my graphics card is a Geforce 3 and I had the common problem of white text disappearing unless I ESC'ed out of the game and then switched back. The new drivers fixed that one for me. I did have to increase the gamma settings to the maximum (Alt+G) as everything seemed too dark otherwise, but that doesn't appear to be your problem either. Perhaps Schrullenhaft can help?

(Edited because I can't spell Shrullenhaft)

[ February 21, 2002, 04:46 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]

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