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CMBO save game and load game problems


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Could someone at tech support help me? When I first purchased CMBO I had a slower machine, AMD 266mhz chip, 128ram, with 32 meg ram 3D Phophet II MX video card. Op sys was Win95. Everything ran fine and I really was getting into it. Then I upgraded my motherboard to a SOYO SY-K7VTA with and Duron 800hmz process chip, jumped up the ram to 256 and used my original video cards, drives and modem, etc. At same time upgraded ops sys to WIN ME.

It all works fine but then I discovered a problem with save game option in CMBO. It would act as if it was saving, but no save file was actually created and no saved games would register when you started the game up at later time. After several save attempts, I looked into the C:/program files/CMBO/saved games folder and the only files there were the ones that I created when I playing under the old system, Win95 config.

I noted this save game problem also occured with attempts to save scenarios I created with the scenerio editor. It acted as if everything is honky dory, save dailog box opened, it accepts a name and acts as if it saved it, but if you asked to reload saved scenario its states no saved files exist?

So thinking 'something is lost itself,' I did a remove program and then re-installed the app. Now the game will not launch. Everything is loaded but if you attempt to load the game the windows desktop goes blank for about 8 seconds and restores itself. Again, like the save malfunction, no error message report, nothing. It just will not run?

Please advise, I love your product and hate to be left out.

Kevin. :(

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How do you launch the game, with a shortcut ? If you right-click (select Properties) where does the shortcut point to in the 'Target' line ? It should point to the file (default setting) C:\PROGRAM FILES\CMBO\Combat Mission.exe. I don't know how long ago you purchased your copy of CMBO, but what version did you get in the lower right hand corner of the splash screen (usually small white text) ? If you're not (or were not) getting 1.12, then you should patch your version. However there are no OS compatibility issues that are addressed with any of the patches.

WinME has DirectX 7.1 as the default DirectX version. Have you attempted to upgrade this version at some point ? You can tell what version you're running by go to Run in the Start Menu and typing in C:\PROGRAM FILES\DIRECTX\SETUP\DXDIAG. This should launch the DirectX diagnostic. On the bottom of the first tab should be the version of DirectX. Go to the Display tab and find out what your settings are for your video card (DirectDraw acceleration, Direct3D & AGP Texture acceleration).

What version of the NVidia drivers are you running ? I'd recommend either a 6.xx/7.xx series driver or 22.80. You can take your pick from here (make sure to download only those drivers for Win9x/ME and not those for the GO chip):

Guru 3D

(Select 'Videocard Drivers', then 'NVIDIA detonator drivers', then select the driver you want)

Oh yeah, and delete your Combat Mission Bynd Ovr Prefs file. If the program launches properly you should be asked to select a resolution for the game.

[ 11-18-2001: Message edited by: Schrullenhaft ]</p>

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Problem: Saved games (or ones downloaded) do not show up in the Scenario/Operation list at the Main Menu.

Cause/Solution: Game is being run from the CD instead of from the installed location on the computer.

Make sure you are running the game from the hard drive and not off the CD.

While the CD being inserted is required to run the game you need to be sure

that the game itself (the Combat Mission.exe) is being run from the

installed directory location on your computer. If you run the game from the

CD it will only show files on the CD and not the new ones being saved.

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