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Destroying and bulldozing the buildings with Tanks

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Given the fact that the infantry units in Kursk die if a cow farts a mile away, I've been trying to use the tanks to go after enemy infantry hiding in trenches and buildings. I've noticed that the Tanks can bulldoze a building and flatten it but I cannot get my Tanks to consistently run over the buildings.

Although the buildings are destructible in Kursk, tanks cannot target them. I would like to have an option to shoot a HE round into buildings to force the enemy infantry out and to eliminate hiding places for them. My own infantry are no match for the AI infantry.

So, here is my question:

How can you command a Tank to run over a building? If I click the other side of the building, the Tank goes around the building but I want the Tank to go over the building and destroy it.

Is there a way to make the Tank shoot a round into a empty building?

Great game but weak infantry!

Over and out.

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Well I will try to help here. I can't reminder ever wanting to run over buildings. But I would guess if I wanted to do this consistently I would use the storm command(right button top row) and give the tank a little room to get moving first. That should do it. As far as shooting up empty buildings or anything else, that's easy. Just use the Area fire button (middle button top row) and manually target the buildings.

I can sense that we are in opposites with what is appealing about this game. I prefer the infantry dynamic over the use of tanks. Actually when they both work together and use their own particular strengths to help win a battle makes this game worth while and playable over and over again.

I suggests focusing on just the use of the infantry for awhile, try to learn their limitations and strengths. Master all the controls in the controls panel( understand what they all do). You can play the tutorial in this game which mostly focuses on the infantry and learn how to move up on the enemy infantry. Defeat their flank. Try to play it only using the sneak command for all your movement and you might start to see that your infantry are not weak at all. The Tutorial is defaulted on Easy plus Morel. You should be able to win the tutorial without losing a single soldier.

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Thanks KIP. The "area attack" did the trick and I can destroy buildings with ease now!

However, the "storm" command didn't quite work as it doesn't consistently make the tank to run over the building (saving ammo is not a bad thing).

So for now, I will use the HE rounds with area fire.

I did try the tutorial (available in russian only!!). The infantry is still very vulnerable and easily dies. I can't micro manage every single soldier to avoid running into a machine gun nest!! The Soldiers should have enough intelligence to avoid running towards enemy fire or to take defensive manuvers such as docking or hiding behind objects when faced with enemy fire.

Oh well, it appears that you should never send infantry on their own to capture a position and you must accompany them with armor to have a chance.

Over and out.

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As it was painfully discovered during world war I, sending infantry against trenches without the close support of armor is almost doomed to fail (the few exceptions being against trenches having been targeted sometime during several days by heavy artillery fire prior to the attack - and even this failed often when the troops targeted where dug in tunnels)

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