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Version 1.01.5866 Available


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Notable changes/fixes:

- Added a screenshot function to the end-game window

- Fixed a turn-processing lockup (at 1% processing)

- Fixed bug: UnitGroups can 'sentry until healed'

- Fixed bug: Units with sentry orders don't respond to the 'upgrade all' button

- Fixed bug with the "sentry for X turns" code

- Units placed inside UnitGroups lose their orders, can't sentry units inside UnitGroups

- Fixed a bug with the tutorial - showing 1/2 players connected

- Made adjustments to the PBEM system to make it more user friendly (but not complete yet)

The next PBEM system is partially implemented. Instead of passing around files between players, the host player simply starts a PBEM game and the game gives him keys for each PBEM player. (Meanwhile, the game files for each player are silently uploaded to the internet server.) He then gives one key to each player, and they paste it into the "New Game (Join)" window. Their game-file gets automatically/silently downloaded off the server, and their game starts. The PBEM system is not working yet, so you can't play yet. I was hoping to get the EOSMessenger and PBEM system working by this update, but that didn't end up happening.

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