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XP-CM-TCP/ip Problem

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Little help? I have Win XP and I'm pretty sure it's the culprit because just a week ago I was able to play tcp/ip. I tried playing Monday and I thought I could not hook up with the guy. Now I just tried playing someone I played last week and the same problem occurs.

As soon as you press 'GO' and the data transfers CM Locks up and I get and error message. The error is "Unhandled exception C0000005. At address 0042ade9"

Also between the time it worked and stopped working I DL some XP updates. Of course I don't remember what they were! HELP!

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Originally posted by joeski:

Also between the time it worked and stopped working I DL some XP updates. Of course I don't remember what they were! HELP!

I have no problems with the full slate (almost) of all hotfixes. You might try backing some off. Since MS decided not to tell us the install date of the hotfixes, why not try to just remove them in reverse order. I think that the oldest is the highest number. You can remove them from the add\remove programs applet in the Control Panel.... not sure what it's called like with the XP view as I use Classic View (what, I'm going to waste thousandsof dollars worth of training to learn a new view? NO!). back them off one at a time and try connecting. If you need a guinea pig to work with, I'd be happy to help, check my profils for my ICQ.
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Normally that error can be resolved with a reinstall of DirectX. I say normally as I have not see anyone have that issue with XP to date but in 95,98 and ME a reinstall of DX solved the problem.

Now I need to remember how to re-install DX on XP as I don't recall it being the same way as with the earlier OS's.


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Thanks for the help I'll give it a try. smile.gif Although I do know you can't install DirectX on XP. I tried installing DirectX 8 and I get the message "This program is not designed for use on Win NT" Built in perhaps? Or I need another version of Direct X

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I'm not sure any of the DirectX installers (for 8.1) will work with Windows XP. DirectX 8.1 is already built into Windows XP. If any of the installers work it would be the one for Windows 2000, but it may not recognize Windows XP and hence refuse to install.

I'm not seeing any pertinent info from Microsoft so far on their support site about reinstalling DirectX 8.1 on XP.

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