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Help with CMOSS?? pls??

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Now matter how many mods I stick in my bmp directory I just doest see em, they R still unavailable when I load CMOSS options changer thingy.

can any1 help, am I putting the bmp's for mods in right place? Im sticking them in my CMBO\bmp folder.

Help I wanna use all those mods I downloaded =(

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Two points easily overlooked:

1) Many mods come in folders. The program can't read folders inside the CMBO/BMP folder. So make sure you don't have any folders inside your CMBO/BMP folder, just BMP files.

2) Make sure you exit all progams while installing mods. Do not pause in a game, run to CMMOS, and wonder why that mod you just installed doesn't appear. It won't. You have to get out, apply, and go back in.

Another very common problem (I do it my self all the time) is that you install a mod, go into CMMOS, click on the icon, and wonder why nothing happened. The reason is usually that you forget to hit that little apply button at the bottom of the page.

A tip: if you're having problems with getting a mod to show up in CMMOS, go into the GEM SOFTWARE PRODUCTIONS directory (which should not, by the way, be installed in your CMBO directory), look inside the CMMOS folder, and you'll find a log file. Take a look at it. If something is wrong or if you're doing something wrong, as often as not it will tell you what the problem is.

If none of this helps, I'll ask you to tell me, exactly and explicitly, how you installed CMMOS, where you installed it, which version, which mod, exactly what you did, and that kind of thing.

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right then,

I installed CMOSS using the download into

C:\GAMES\CMBO\CMOS folder then I installed the 4 sets of rulesets, terrain, misc, germans, allied.

So thats CMOS working

When I download a mod I just extract the bmp files into my CMBO\BMP\ folder. They aren't in any other folders or anythin ?I just bung em all in there and from what I gather CMOS should just find em and eneablethe mods in CMOS but it doesnt, all mods R still unavailable.

The only way I can install the mods is manually using that BMP munge thing but I want my mod selecta to work.

Hae I done anything wrong?

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Ok, now a slight amount of confusion may arise because I suspect that you're using the European version off the CD. I can't swear that I know exactly how that particular one will behave, but I have some familiarity with CMMOS and can't imagine that yours will be much different from the beta versions that Gordon gives us from time to time.

The best path for CMMOS is C:\PROGRAMS\GEM SOFTWARE PRODUCTIONS\CMMOS. I suspect that by putting it in C:\GAMES you've confused it.

I have a quickie sure-fire solution for you, that you would need to do eventually anyway. Go to combatmission.com [aka the CMHQ website] and look for CMMOS 3.02. It has a self-installer and several features that the earlier versions don't have. And I can vouch for it's behavior quirks (there aren't very many that I've noticed). You might want to remove the earlier version of CMMOS as a safety precaution, and don't let it set up anything in the C:\GAMES directory (I think it defaults to C:\Programs\GEM SOFTWARE PRODUCTIONS\CMMOS -- let it go there if it wants, it knows what it is doing). You will NOT have to mess with the contents of your CMBO\BMP folder. You should also grab the latest versions of the different rulesets after you get CMMOS 3.02.

I'm pretty sure your problem is from using the path that you're using. Using CMMOS 3.02 is something that, as I said before, you will want to do eventually anyway, and the self-installer in it should keep you on the right track.

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I found the problem!!!!

I looked at the .ini file and it was looking for my CMBO in c:\programfiles\cmbo

but mine is in C:\games\cmbo

still not got it sorted yet but I'll find a way now I reckon. whenever I run it it changes the .ini back to C:\games???

I may have to move my CMBO or somethin

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I found the problem!!!!

I looked at the .ini file and it was looking for my CMBO in c:\programfiles\cmbo

but mine is in C:\games\cmbo

still not got it sorted yet but I'll find a way now I reckon. whenever I run it it changes the .ini back to C:\programfiles\cmbo???

I may have to move my CMBO or somethin

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