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Is it possible for the US to win at Tebessa?


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I've tried for the 6th time on the novice level and have not been able to win at Tebessa.

I've scattered my troops around trying to have safe places for my big guns to fire away. I have stationed my infantry close by the guns in case my crew dies but the guns are intact. I have swapped out infantry for a bazooka team, and have traded in one infantry so I can afford 3 Shermans and only 1 Stuart. I appear to do decent in the beginning but eventually I just get overwhelmed in 3 different directions.

The artillery doesn't appear to really do much damage. The reinforcements arrive too late and too little. Typically my tank and SP replacements get knocked out very soon after coming in. My infantry as well gets slaughtered.

If I don't survive long enough for reinforcements my kill ratio is close to 2 to 1. If I do survive long enough my kill ratio is close to 1 to 2 because the units coming in get slaughtered right away. I have to move them because when reinforcements arrive the enemy is about a minute away from victory.

What can you possibly do to win this battle?

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Thank you very much for your descriptive help on this specific mission.

I may be somewhat limited in Tankers with 90+ gunner ability.

I will definately consider trading in one of my Howitzers for another Sherman tank. My Howitzers kick butt with the enemy at a distance but easily flounder once the enemy closes.

In my last try I moved my Eastern army behind the large hill. I did last a bit longer. Perhaps if I had one more Sherman instead of the last Stuart I might be able to do a little better. I did keep my infantry close to the 105's but it is amazing how hard it is to cover the small distance to reoccupy the gun.

Thank you for giving me some good ideas to try.

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Success at last! I must have been defeated a good 10 times before I emerged victorious. I followed your suggestion and traded a 105 and Stuart for another Sherman. I guarded the pass entrance with a Sherman on either side. I did get good side shots in on the approaching armor.

I also moved all my army closer to the barracks area. I had my remaining 105's concentrated on the distance and a couple Shermans rotated to the areas that were needed the most.

This time around I ended up routing the enemy. I really did not need the reinforcements (which once again got butchered from the enemy tanks in the distance).

The enemy never really even got close to me. It made a lot of difference keeping all 4 of my tanks in one piece. I also was able to rotate infantry in to man any of the guns which lost their crew.

After getting whooped many times I would say it is a great conclusion to the US campaign.

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