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Hi There,

I installed version 1.21 and continued my Brit campaign (Scenario 5), playing 'Veteran' turn-based. I noticed a few things and was wondering if they were normal? I thought I'd make a post just to check. I'm still fairly new to the game, so it's entirely possible that it's me, not the game, but wanted to check. Here goes:

1. One of my vehicles was hit but the crew survived. They were armed with a grenade-launcher and the 'Deploy Weapon' button was available. But they had no ammo at all - not even for small arms. And so this unit could not operate at all.

2. I had real problems with LOS, even though the Scenario 5 map is fairly flat. What really got to me was that my C2 units were armed with mortars, but I couldn't use them as they could not get LOS - even at 400m across flat terrain. Once again, these units could not be used.

3. Some of my commands to move or assault were ignored. This would be understandable if my units were pinned or if they had a postive contact, but this happened when there were no positive contacts and no incoming fire. It took several turns to get troops to move, thus wasting time.

4. Although the Pop Smoke button was accessible, when I tried to use this feature, no smoke appeared ingame. I'm not sure if the AI 'saw' smoke or not, but from my viewpoint, I had Inf. units advancing without apparent cover.

5. I had a nest of enemy MGs causing trouble. I got my units within 300m and surrounded the enemy on 3 sides, but could not get LOS for long-range weapons (only small arms) - this was near the AA batteries, in open terrain. I called in both available Apaches and they both missed the MGs. I called the Apaches in again - same thing. Eventually, I overran the MGs, but this took several minutes and caused casualties.

6. I ordered 2 companies of Inf. to assault the two AA Battery trenches. Only one Coy obeyed, the other went to ground. Although the first Coy took both trenches, they suffered casualties. Byt his time, I was ordering WW1-style assaults because I couldn't effectively use modern weapons, for the reasons listed above. I could have done with a 'Fix Bayonets' button.

Well, I'm not sure if this is the right place for this post, but just wanted to raise the issues. If the problem is my lack of understanding or skill, then fair enough, I'm happy to learn. But these issues puzzled me, so I thought I'd ask. Thanks in advance for help. I hadn't really noticed these issues before the recent patch.

Just a final point: I think it's OK to be hampered by operational difficulties and systems failures - I guess it adds to the realism - and I'm not griping or complaining. I just wanted to make sure that these issues were not bugs or flaws. Just tyring to get my head round what's going on. Thanks again.

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Hola mate, I'll take a shot at answering some of these. They may be wrong, so don't quote me but I have come across some of these issues myself.

1, I've just had this happen in the Marines module. My crew survived and I could deploy my GL. I had 138 rounds of 40mm ammunition. I have deployed my weapon. It would suggest that your ammunition cooked along with the vehicle. Bad luck?

4, Sometimes the command to pop smoke is delayed for reasons I am not understanding.

I think generally the British module is extremely tough. I've played it through twice and have lost both times. In fact the last time I lost so badly I didnt get to play all the missions. The maps are well designed by and large but LOS is awkward at the best of times. I wish there was a LOS tool!

I would definitely recommend restarting the campaign (post patch) regardless of what people say.

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Hi Phil,

Thanks for this. I can see that some of the above issues are realistic outcomes, and in any real situation luck plays a part - so no problems. My main concern was that the game was OK and not buggy. I'm still fairly new to the game and am playing the Brits coz, well, I am one! Seems to me that I may be guilty of not zooming in often enough, in order to to really appreciate the nuances of the map design/terrain. I'll rectify this. Meanwhile, that's a fair point about restarting the campaign post-patch - maybe I should do just that. Thanks again and all the best.

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I think it is important to spend some time studying the map in detail prior to clicking start! I can't talk though I'm the first to rush in and get shot-up. I think the British campaign is the most difficult personally. I notice they don't get as many toys as the US/Marines for starters which means you need to be more careful on the outset, and then the AFVs tend not to offer as much protection as the US equivalents (my opinion anyway) and you need to dismount way before the trouble starts. They don't get the spare Javelin launchers and lots of extra HE/rockets like the US counterparts either. Plus it seems to me that the mission criteria is always more challenging, ie you must not lose a single man otherwise it's game over! An exaggeration I realise, but it makes the missions that much harder.

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Hi Phil,

Yeah, I agree with these points. I did play one stand-alone scenario with US forces and was amazed at the difference in firepower. I returned to the Brits because I felt up for the challenge. I've been doing OK so far, but the 5th Scenario (airfield assault) left me wondering if life was meant to be that difficult! But you're totally right about studying the map - I've tended to rush in, and am guilty of not zooming-in close enough to appreciate some of the finer tactical points. And so, still plenty left to learn! I like the game a lot, though, and am not really used to tactical themes so much as strategic ones, so I'm still finding the game interesting and new. Shame the Brits don't get more Javelins - definitely my favourite toy.

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