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Grrrr....Air Support=Friendly Fire


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not had it happen yet and was calling in a lot of Apache cover during my last mission.

Yep. ISTM that most if not all fratricide incidents in CMSF are due to user error - targetting too close to friendly forces, or moving friendly forces to close or into the impact/target zone.

Playing a scen recently I managed to decimate a friendly platoon by walking them into the impact zone of an ongoing smoke mission. I thought they'd be ok since the rounds were BE rather than WP but *shrug* it wasn't an unreasonable result and anyway it was my own fault and lesson learned.

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"Air support equals friendly fire" hasn't been my experience. That's simply because I'd hate to see my lead platoon catch the edge of a JDAM's blast radius or some such, so when I call in CAS, I either area-target 200+ meters away from the nearest Blue units, or I pull my forces a couple hundred meters back and place an area target. In other words, I prefer not to have to call actual "danger close" missions.

In plenty of scenarios, there are periods lasting 6 to 12 minutes where my ground forces are just sitting around waiting for the CAS to do its thing. Admittedly, this wouldn't work against a human player, because the AI doesn't think to itself: "Hmmm, the Americans have pulled back.... They must have artillery or air support on the way. Quick! Withdraw under cover!"

For me, most Blue-on-Blue incidents are during night missions when one squad wastes ammo taking potshots at another squad because they're just far enough away to get not identified properly. (I always play on "Iron" difficulty.)

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