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Shock Force Terrain Display Issues

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I'm currently having problems with displaying the textures of the terrain on any of the maps I've been playing.

Here is an example:


I really can't figure out how or why this issue is occurring, I'm running the game at the lowest graphics level possible, though my computer should be able to handle even higher graphics settings.

My specs:



GeForce GTX 280

I have two monitors, one 1440x900 and the other 1920x1080.

Can someone help me out?

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That is pretty strange as you say. Your machine should definitely be able to run CMSF with just about any graphics options.

Which Windows OS and Nvidia driver version are you running ? Are both monitors hooked up to the GTX280 or just one at a time ? If both are hooked up, which monitor are you trying to play CMSF on ?

If you have a decent download speed, I suggest downloading the latest v. 1.20 Demo (which has CMSF, Marines and British Forces content in it). The links are beneath the DOWNLOAD LINKS (approx. 470 MB): section. See if this demo runs the graphics properly. If it doesn't then there is some sort of issue with the drivers, 3D graphics settings or some other configuration setting. If it DOES work properly then there may be something wrong with your install of CMSF, which may require unlicensing, uninstalling and then reinstalling and re-licensing CMSF.

You may want to review your 3D Settings for your video driver in the Control Panel > NVIDIA Control Panel > Manage 3D settings > check the Global Settings and possibly reduce some of the settings or set them to 'Application-controlled'. You may want to set the Multi-display / mixed-GPU acceleration setting to Single display performance mode to see if that makes any difference.

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