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Is this the classic NVIDIA corrupted text problem? (contains images)

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Are these examples of the classic NVIDIA corrupted text problem? I am running W98 with a GeForce II, so it is not the Windows 2000/XP issue. Yes, I'm still using the "old" 6.5 drivers, as I have not seen conclusive proof anywhere that the latest drivers (there are always more latest drivers) actually fix the problem, and I am hesitant to upgrade the drivers as everything else is totally stable.

This text problem seems to occur more frequently in large games or with lots of smoke. Escaping to the desktop and then going back does not resolve the issue; only exiting the program and re-starting does. I have never seen the corrupted text in the scenario selection or briefing screens, so it is probably not the same problem.

Note that even the text in the "menu bar" is corrupted.



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The Deanco interface has a font, I forget the number 30000 series or something like that, that will display in a corrupted manner like you're seeing. I don't know if this is limited to certain video cards or FSAA support. I can't remember if Deanco released a different font for this problem or just suggested using the default ones on the CD.

You can possibly do a search on the tech forum for 'Deanco' and 'font' and you may find your answer.

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Thanks for the response; I found the appropriate article, with the following quote from Deanco himself:

Ahhh....good thing I stuck my nose in here. You're probably using my

Gunmetal mod, aren't you? Take 30002B&W.bmp (it's in your BMP folder)

and change its name to 30002.bmp, overwriting the old version. Goodbye

blurry letters.

I had already applied this fix quite a while ago though. Note that it is not just the landscape marker text that is corrupted - also the info screen and detailed hit and unit info etc.
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I'd suggest installing a second copy of CMBO to your hard drive and see if the problems continue there. If they do, then there may be some sort of driver error that you're encountering. The 28.32 drivers for NVidia-based cards have fixed all the problems that I'm aware of in CMBO.

If the problems go away with the second, un-modded install, then you better re-examine your mods. I'd suggest copying the 30000, 30001 & 30002 BMPs from the CD to your directory and use the default text.

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Well, I copied over the original font files, but it did not make any difference, so this is beginning to look like a driver issue. I'll update my drivers right after the next time I do a full system backup.

I guess what I was really hoping to hear was "yes, I used to see that too, but I did XXX and that fixed the problem" - that is why I included the images. I do run with FSAA enabled; the graphics are just too "sparklyy" without it.

Thanks for all the suggestion so far!

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