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How can I uninstall CMBB?

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I need to take the game off my computer as my hard drive is full. I have the original game cd (Combat Mission II Barbarossa to Berlin) but I see no information on the cd, on the game installation, or in the manual about how to uninstall the game. My version of CMBO appears in XP's Uninstall in Control Panel, but not CMBB. I have tried reinstalling it, but still nothing appears to guide me though an Uninstall.

I have it installed on a Windows/XP machine.



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I haven't installed the CDV version of CMBB in quite awhile. I would have assumed that it would show up in the Add/Remove Programs control panel since I though it used a Windows-based installer program. If it doesn't appear in the list, then you can remove it manually within the File Manager. The CDV version will leave behind only a few registry settings and that shouldn't be too much of an issue. There should be no other 'security programs' associated with it or other files in the Windows folder.

You'll most likely find the CDV version of CMBB at C:\Program Files\CDV\Combat Mission II\ or somewhere around there. Assuming you don't have other CDV titles (such as CMBO in this case), you could probably just delete the whole CDV folder or just the 'Combat Mission II' folder.

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