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Strange error with the mesh tools


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I've started converting a very simple mesh (only a wooden box) with the converter tools. My object is of the "mono" type, having only one bone with a x0y0_dam0 main mesh, two lods, the ground_level hook, and a collision shape c_x0y0_dam0 , without a damage mesh.

Creating the mono.mcn file was easy, as was the creation of the mesh0000.tse file. I had some trouble with the system-wide path variable though (damn Vista!! I was not able to set it properly). I solved the problem by copying the mono.mcn file and mesh0000.tse file to the Meshtool directory, and launched the cnvMono.bat file to convert the model. Everything looked fine, except for an error message when calculating the boundBox telling me that sectset is not recognized as an internal or external command, that it is not an executable or a command file.


After that, the mono.sim file and the x0y0_dam0.msh where created normally it seems, but the mesh can't be seen in the map editor, even with the entry for the static wooden box is correctly defined in the data/settins/static.ini file.

Does it mean that there should be a "sectset" file amongst the executables in the Meshtool directory that is missing? or is it a problem with me not being able the create the system-wide path variable?

Any hint of what's the problem, Sneaksie?

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More details:

It seems the problem is with the BoundBox: the BoundBox entry and assciated values is missing from any hier.him files and mono.sim file generated. I have succeeded to import models in the game and they appear to behave normaly in the map editor. I haven't tested it in a mission, though, after having added the missing BoundBox line and the corresponding values by hand in the hier.him files and mono.sim files.

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Not for this particular object. I was able to import a few files of the type hier.him, but still have trouble with the mono.sim type.

I'll try with the cnv.bat command file.

I'm a bit puzzled with the house.ms script at the moment, because it seems not to recognize every names (only ground_level and Infantry hooks names seems to be valid). It's the same with the collision objects names, the script would not accept names like xbridge_d0_? and xbar_dam0_? as valid collision names (if I keep the names like Collision?_x0y0_dam0 for the bridges, the collision will not work in game, as the names xbridge_d0_? and xbar_dam0_? are needed for the collision to work properly). I was also expecting the script to accept objects with names like dummy?? to use with bones having more than 7 collisions, but I have to create an object named x0y0_dam1_l0 instead.

That's not really a problem, since the generated hier.mcn file can be edited to alter the names, but it is a bit confusing.

Also, for some object types, like bridges, the house.ms script is asking for shadow objects and collision objects of the type c_x0y0_dam? that are not really needed. I have to create theses objects in Max, or the script would not generate the mesh0000.tse file, but i'm deleting their sections in the mcn file afterward.

This looks strange, as the *.mcn files in the Mod Pack seems to be generated with the same script (even if it is an older version), and don't have objects and collision names that the script is requesting. Have theses files been edited manually?

some screenshots of my new static objects:




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