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new scenario: Surrender is not a Ranger Word

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It is still being reviewed, but I will copy the description:

This is a very small scenario depicting a small group of soldiers who become isolated after an attack on their convoy. This is based on a real event. US casualties were: 2 KIA (driver and gunner), 2 WIA (both passengers; 1 critical, the other returned to duty in 72 hours). Insurgent casualties were: ~4 KIA, 8-10 WIA.

It is my first uploaded scenario, and it is very very very very small. Including reinforcements, there are 10 personnel for Blue, and 14 for Red. As the description says, this stuff really happened, south of Ad-Diwaniyah in December 2004.

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Well, I hope you enjoy it. It isn't very complicated, just 3 guys outside of a broken-down humvee, and some bad guys running at them and trying to kill them. At 5 minutes, a relief element from the convoy shows up as reinforcements, so, if you're overrun, they're still there to casevac.

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Scenario's broken, dude. :( There are no victory points awarded. I can say that I completed the scenario with 2 KIA and forced a Syrian surrender. That said, it ended in a 0-0 draw. ;) Also, you may want to consider giving Blue some early intel, because I felt sort of like, "Well, where have I been taking fire from?"

It's a good start, but the scen needs victory conditions. :)

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I fixed the VP issue, so I'll re-upload in a little bit.

I originally had 4 combatant groups, but even with their skill level very low, and the 3 US guys set to very high, they're far too overpowering. It's meant to feel a little hectic, and so far, in all but 1 play-through, it has felt that way to me. I have only had one instance where I had 0 casualties.

Did you stay on the road, or move into one of the ditches?


Fixed version uploaded, but I don't know when it will be available.

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That was fun. It was tiny, but fun.

Spoilers to follow...








I broke contact into the ditch to the right of the KO'ed 1114. I then bounded my "teams" up the ditch in the direction of the two buildings IOT gain some stand off and ambush any would be assault element. We took intermittent fire from the left flank but it was ineffective. We established a 360 inside the ditch and waited. We took contact from the south and engaged two ENY teams moving in the direction of the 1114, they were engaged, suppressed and wiped out. anim_headbang.gif When the QRF arrived they engaged ENY moving from the opposite side of the 1114 and poured .50 cal into them. I moved the QRF off the road and attempted to link up with the survivors, and the scenario ended.

Fun little mission. Thanks for making it.

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Hm, did you find it too easy then? All of my testing was done based on "how it happened" and an "alternate" thing where I put my guys in a little ditch, setup 360, and held in place until the Cavalry arrived.

"How it happened" meaning, I just left them in place and targeted enemies as they became visible.

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Yeah, I guess it was easy, but the pucker factor was high. I was pretty worried until QRF was on site, and then I started thinking about RPGs. Actually I was kinda on the edge of my seat the whole time. The guys were almost black on ammo when QRF showed up, so being over run was looking like a very real possibility.

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Ammunition was a problem. It was my first day in-country and I didn't know all the little hints, so I loaded my magazines with 30 rounds. Initially, the three of us were firing out of our windows while the TC was on the radio. He told us to dismount, we did, and I took another shot and -bam- misfeed. Big panick. I didn't come close to running out so much as my weapon kept misfeeding.

I was very careful to make sure there were no RPGs present, because as far as I was aware, there were none. We were just disabled with simple garrote and a dead driver.

I'm glad the scenario was able to project some of that worry.

One thing I noticed was that "Tiny combatant group" doesn't give the same number of combatants. Some of the groups have 5 guys, 1 has 4, and 1 has 3; does anyone know a consistent way of placing them?

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It was my first day in-country and I didn't know all the little hints, so I loaded my magazines with 30 rounds.

Rather than 28 rounds? While I have no personal experience with .223/5.56 firearms, I have read about feed issues with fully-loaded 30-round mags.

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I just played your scenario, and I found it rather enjoyable.

possible spoilers below

I stayed on the road for the first two minutes, but after one of the passengers was hit, I also felt I should tell my guys to do something, they hightailed it to the single building on the left of the 1114. We held there until the QRF got to us. final score 0 BLUFOR KIA 1 BLUFOR WIA, oddly enough it was one of the Gunners in the QRF.

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I had a lot of fun with this scenario. However, it didn't go so well. To be short, you died, along with everyone in your Humvee :(. The commander was wounded (yellow not incapacitated) within literally two seconds, and after one minute one of the passengers was seriously wounded. I figured it was time to get out of there, but with only 2 men left, I had trouble laying down covering fire for them to dash to the ditch on the right. The first guy (you, unless you were the commander) made it there fine, but his view was obstructed so he could not cover the commander, who was killed as he ran to the ditch.

There was no contact until the QRF showed up, but as they were approaching, 2 of the 3 gunners were hit...>.<

the single remaining .50 was not enough to hold off both sides, so i rushed "you" up to the 1st Humvee to man that .50, but "you" were wounded just outside the vehicle.

In all I had 2 killed 3 wounded, and killed 10 and wounded 3.

Not the best record, but it was a very fun scenario none the less. Good work!

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No, "I" am supposed to be one of the 2 guys in the same group, though it should be the other way around. I was behind the driver, and the TC and other guy were together on the other side. I have it the way it is because he was the senior guy there as a Staff Sergeant, with myself as a PFC and the other guy was some Specialist from some other unit. Both of us passengers were from other units, I don't even know the names of the guys who were actually crewing the vehicle, with the exception of the TC. Plus, I think one guy holding "my"side is pretty hard to do in-game.

Glad you enjoyed it. I have several "short" scenarios that I have been working on, and will probably try to put them together as some sort of campaign.

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