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IED Questions

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1. Does the A.I. use IED's? I have played several battles where the AI had them but I have never had one detonate. Lucky or bug?

2. I understand from the manual that radio IED's need LOS. This makes sense. What does not make sense to me is why wire and cell IED's do not need LOS. I may have the wrong idea but doesnt the trigger man have to have LOS on any IED to trigger the explosion at the correct time?

3. This question is based in reality more so then the game. With a cell IED, I assume you trigger it by dialing the number? Wouldnt there be a delay when you try to trigger the IED as we all know that dialing a cellphone from another cellphone involves connecting cell towers and such resulting in a 5 to 10 second delay until the "trigger" cellphone is reached. Is this how it works IRL or do I have it wrong? It seems there would be some tricky timing involved to hit a quick Humvee.

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