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CMBO scenario editor save function problem

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I have had CMBO for about 3 years now. I have done a number of scenarios of my own with no problems. A few months ago that all changed for some reason. I was working on a scenario in the CMBO editor. When I was finished I saved it and went to close out of the editor. The game would ask me to "save game?" again. I noticed it also kept asking me if I wanted to save the scenario in the "saved games" folder even after repeatedly setting it to save the scenario in the scenario folder. I didnt think too much of it till I opened the scenario to play it and realized all the work I had spent to improve the scenario had not been saved ! AAAAAAAAAAAAA! I figured ok, I can deal with this and not throw the computer out the door...its no big deal, my computer is acting wierd anyway and getting to be in dire need of a reformat so Ill reinstal the game then and everything will be fine like it used to be. Right?

Well, to my dismay, Ive discovered the problem is still there after a reformat and reinstall of the game. So I have tried several different things, saving the scenario to the "save game" folder as well as the scenario folder, etc. And nothing seems to work. The changes I make to almost all the scenarios I tried to edit did not take. A few did but most did not. There is no error message though SOMETIMES I do hear a "DING" when I save the scenario like some error just happened. And despite repeated attempts to save the scenario in the editor, it still ask me if I would like to save the scenario when I try to close out of the editor.

Any suggestions before I do unspeakable things to this computer and my landlords window when the computer sails out of it? :mad: :confused: :(

[ October 10, 2003, 01:58 PM: Message edited by: pcpilot ]

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What Windows version are you running and what other software is running in the background when you launch CMBO ?

This may be some sort of strange interaction with the file system. I've run into file save problems with the CM series before, but not with the consistency you have (and not this specific problem).

I highly suggest making sure nothing is running in the background when you run CMBO (just to make sure nothing is interfering with the file system). You may also need to check out what device drivers you have loaded up (including anti-virus programs). Also kill any Instant Messaging clients you have running.

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Yes, this occured to me. I have nothing running in the background except Explorer and systray. I am using WinMe OS. Everything worked before with this OS so not sure why it isnt now, espesially after a fresh install of everything. Thank you for the answer however. Maybe another idea? Im stumped...

I am running a Pentium3 1ghz cpu on a

ABIT MoBo with Via chipset and latest via drivers.

512 MB PC-133 RAM

Radeon 8500 w/64MB VidRAM and Cat3.8 drivers

SB Live! X-Gamer w/ Creative 5.1 Surround Sound

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I'm not sure which other games you play, but I would recommend going with another, much earlier Catalyst driver than the 3.8's. Admittedly this can be a problem if you play other games which may work much better with the newer Catalysts.

I suggest going back to 2.3 or earlier to see what effect this may have on CM. The 3.x series has had some 'refresh' problems (black screens, etc.) and this may be one of the culprits with your problem of saving files.

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