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New to theatre of war


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Hello all, i just bought the game off ebay and have patched up to version I was wondering how i can find multiplayer games ? i have a router, should i turn this off or not, also when i click on internet game how do i find a game to join? any help would be great, Thanks in advance for any help, i'd like to get up and running so i can host a few games!!!, Bayrunner.:confused: ps, it is a kalypso version but it never came with a licence number??

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Hi again, sorry to be a pain but when i click on the toolbar that i have on my browser, to mutiplayer i have no response? is it better to go to multiplayer in the game itself ? i have tried this but for some reason there are no servers etc. do i need to talk to some one first to find out the ip or name of their game, its a bit confusing for me? sorry!!

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Hey Bayrunner,

Am a Vet of most of the CM series and would like to see how the 'person to person' works.

Whenever the MP server is up, i'll be willing to go for a small game with you.

E-mail me if your up for one!

I'm not too thrilled about the clunky interface in comparison to CM but, oh well! :)

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