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Screen Size Question (not resolution)

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I've been wondering about this, so I thought I'd post a question.

I'm currently running in 1152x864 (or 1152 x something) and havin' a blast. However, I've noticed that the actual screen size has a black border around it; in other words, the battlefield screen does NOT stretch to the limits of my monitor's edge.

Is this normal? Is there supposed to be an "edge" to the battlefield screen or is it supposed to completely fill the monitor area (aside from the buttonbar, of course).

I'd love to know. My Windoze desktop size is currently 1280x1064, and I'm wondering if the difference there is why I'm having a prob. Currenly running the (in)famous Voodoo3-3000 AGP, if anyone's interested with nary a problem except for this one (if it is, indeed, a problem).

If anyone has any feedback on this, I'd love to know.

Thanks for the help!



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The same sort of thing happened to me after I installed the latest drivers for my graphics card (also Voodoo3). Whenever I'd change to a different resolution the edges of the screen wouldn't be at the monitor edges anymore. The good news is that once I calibrated my monitor for that particular resolution, any time I'd go back to it the settings would still be right.

So just try using your monitor controls to stretch out the screen - hopefully it'll then "remember" those settings.

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LuckyShot's advice should do the trick - as long as your monitor has memory settings for the resolution (most of the newer monitors - usually digitally-controlled - out there should). Your monitor was using its memory defaults for the screen characteristics for that resolution. Once you've adjusted the screen (in CM) the monitor should use those settings when that resolution is displayed again. Older monitors - often with analog-only controls - may not have this feature and will require adjustment each time a different resolution is displayed. On some of the older monitors (3+ years) there is a capability to "save" the settings you've just set, which is what you would do here. Some of these particular monitors may have "auto-recall" of the settings once the resolution comes up on the screen (like the current crop of monitors) or you may have to manually select the saved setting via the controls (which is rare).

[This message has been edited by Schrullenhaft (edited 10-09-2000).]

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