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MG Deployment inside buildings

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Hi all.

Today i was playing a MOUT map and i moved an US MG team inside a building to provide cover fire. I remember reading that deploying weapons inside a building took more time than deploying them on terrain, but no matter how many times i tried, the MG always was deployed facing the wrong position. I ordered the team (with the MG undeployed) to get to the 2nd floor, then face north and deploy. When the guys arrived, three man placed themselves on the windows of the north side, but the MG was deployed on the windows of the south side (it was a five men team). Tried again, Undeploy, Face north, Deploy again. All men were in the north windows, but the MG began deploying in the West windows!! Has anyone seen this before?

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Schrullenhaft, i don't have a savegame because it was almost at the beggining of a scenario, and five minutes later i had to leave. Asking your other questions, i was playing Real Time, and i have the Marines module installed.

I'll try to "force" it to happen again, and i'll let you know. Anyway, has this happened before? Could that happen because the MG team had five members on it (maybe the building was too small for them to put in line)? If that last thing is the problem, i guess that in any Deployable Weapons Team when using a Face command, those men using the deployable weapon should have preference when facing.

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