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Area target wishes


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Well, after playing with v1.1 for a day now, I must say that I'm pleased. Well, at least partially... ;):D!

No need to rest on the laurels now! I have two small ideas for the area fire command:

a) 'action spots' as we have them for the movement commands now. This would help to have an idea which area is targeted.

B) Since I prefer turned based/PBEM games (WEGO), I have noticed a small 'problem' with area fire. While it's no problem to stop an area fire order in realtime-mode, you can't do so in WEGO - the order is executed for a full minute. But I frequently do not want my men to fire all there Javelins into the same building, or let my tanks waste there ammo for this job when I expect that a single Javelin or maybe 2-3 tank rounds would be enough. My idea is to add a simple dialog that allows to restrict the number of rounds. Maybe something similiar like the 'Pause command'?. Would be necessary only for heavy weapons, I guess.

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Read a couple of my Tactical tutorials, located in my sig line, they will show you how to control your firing during WEGO. Shoot-N-Scoot link

That's a good workaround. But am I the only one who think's that 15sec steps for the pause command are to long? Maybe it is possible to add 'fine tuning' in 5sec steps, for example Shift+P (or whatever key is assigned to the Pause-command).

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Could it be possible to area fire to larger area than one action spot? Just ctrl-click the spots you want to fire to and then the unit would split/cycle it's fire between the spots. Having a 13 men squad fire at single 8x8 area is quite limiting. Splitting is not always an option, for example if you have single building you want to be in (they will rejoin). By the same command, you could fire to all the floors of a building, not just one as now.

As discussed in other threads, a delay (at least as an option) would be good. Immediate area fire is so cyborg...

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Simply put the target command needs more depth. We should simply have a command dialog similar to that in CMx1 that allowed tanks to choose whether the main gun was used. Dialog could offer options for fire intensity and weapons used.

In addition I like the idea of mulitple spots for targetting, I agree with wanting to target multiple stories within a building.

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Why not adopt the artillery mission dialog? Target can be 'point', 'area' and 'line'. Instead of the number of guns we set 'light', 'heavy' and 'special' (like rocket launchers) with selection boxes, what would automatically allow any combination (depending on the available weapons and ammo, of course). Duration and delay can be entered manually or in 5 sec steps while mission, effect and delivery are not needed.

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I don't disagree that it would be nice to have a smaller increment in PAUSE as well as for fire missions, (2 mins might be useful not 20 mins) I've requested them in Skunkworks. We're talking about working with what we can do now with the system until BFC does/doesn't add into the UI.

Your OP was about Javelins, they have an aquisition time of 30secs(+/-). So having a smaller increment would not help you at all. The tutorial posted states you should give your JAV time 30 sec PAUSE and your SMAW teams 15sec PAUSE.

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I don't disagree that it would be nice to have a smaller increment in PAUSE as well as for fire missions, (2 mins might be useful not 20 mins) I've requested them in Skunkworks. We're talking about working with what we can do now with the system until BFC does/doesn't add into the UI.

Your OP was about Javelins, they have an aquisition time of 30secs(+/-). So having a smaller increment would not help you at all. The tutorial posted states you should give your JAV time 30 sec PAUSE and your SMAW teams 15sec PAUSE.

But the delay for the Javelins applies only once, or not?! I'm not sure how this is handeled
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Your giving the unit a 30 sec PAUSE so it has the time to aquire and fire on the target, anything less than that and the unit will move to the next waypoint aborting the firing sequence.

Are you talking about after the first firing? The TARGET ARC/FACE broke the first TARGET command if your leaving them in place. In the smart case you have moved the Jav team to a new position so that everyone and their mother doesn't rain down fire on the old Jav postition.

Updated Shoot-N-Scoot for the CMSF: MARINES

Limited ammo a problem? Don’t want to fire all your SMAW / Javelins Rockets all in one WEGO turn? Here is a brief tutorial on conserving ammo with your Digital Devildogs by using a “tried and true” tactic.

#1 Select SMAW/Jav Team. Place TARGET at building located at Objective 1.

#2 Give the SMAW/Jav Team a 15sec/30sec PAUSE

Javelin note: give the unit a 30 sec PAUSE due to the need for the CLU to lock on.




#3 Give the team a QUICK waypoint on the same building they are located in

Note: if the team in not in a building you can place the waypoint on the teams same position or to a safer fall back position

#4 If you selected a multi-story building as the waypoint you will be prompted to select a level

Note: changing elevation may allow you to get a better LOS on other Opfor targets.


The rest of the tutorial is at Shoot-N-Scoot link

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well the trick with "pause" for 15/30 sec while area fireing is good and i use it too since the beginning of CMSF as there is nothing else to get that behaviour, however it got a big downside(for vehicles only!!!).

lets say you use "quick" command, so your vehicle will shoot as inaccurate as if it would move in "quick"(or any other speed, depends on what command you selected) while still standing.

means as soon as the vehicle got a "movement" command with pause, its accuracy degrades to the amount wich is set for the specific command, and NOT at the point it starts "moving".

i tested it in 1.08 and it is that way, wich is rather odd as it degrades accuracy while the vehicle is still at a halt.

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iam sorry for the double post;


i see you got "house cleaning" in a "marine" version. i guess you converted it yourself...would you be so kind to up it at cmmods or at least to some free file hosting site(rapid share and the like...) so i can have it too!? :D

i played house cleaning in 1.04 and its was a more terrible than good expirience, so iam in the mood to try it again in 1.10 and heck, why not take the marines for the ride.

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well the trick with "pause" for 15/30 sec while area firing is good and i use it too since the beginning of CMSF as there is nothing else to get that behavior, however it got a big downside(for vehicles only!!!).

i see you got "house cleaning" in a "marine" version. i guess you converted it yourself...

Pandur, in Shoot-N-Scoot & Pop-N-Drop tutorials I placed a different option instead of QUICK you can use SLOW(vehicles are very accurate at that speed due to stabilization), right before you stop the vehicle, that will not degrade your accuracy.


House cleaning Marines is a testbed I use for beta bug hunting. It's not a direct translation of the previous Army version. Sorry:(

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right, stabilization helps, but i tested it with slow too, the vehicle was a BTR-60 and this one doesnt have a stabilizer.

so while a group of vehicles is able to overcome this little oddity, a nother group is not and is rather inaccurate even in slow or reverse.

i thinking from a red players perspective ;)

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It seems to me that 'Clear Target' doesn't work right!?

Waypoint 1) Ordered: Pause 15sec/Target

Waypoint 2) Clear Target

But the target is NOT cleared at waypoint 2 - the tank keeps fireing til the end of the turn!?

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You don't CLEAR TARGET at the second waypoint you give TARGET/TARGET LIGHT/ARC/FACE to clear the target. CLEAR TARGET is an immediate command that can not be 'placed' at a waypoint.

step #5 from "Shoot-N-Scoot w/SMAW"

#5 Select the last waypoint(white circle) in the string and give the team a FACE or TARGET ARC in any future direction you wish

Note: this will break the earlier TARGET command thus saving you from expending excess rounds


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