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Originally posted by Madmatt:

p.s.s By the way, you might want to back off on your vitriolic wording on what you perceive of the truth. I will not continue to overlook it and its not appreciated. We do not give out "bogus" info and the games DO work on Mac's that run OS 9.X. So regardless of what you feel about our OS compatability, that is the truth.

If I am incorrect, so be it. Mike from Xceler8te your Mac stated that your original press release was not clear, I never got the actual press release, so I don't actually know. He just said to me that it said "Mac" compatible (which in this day and age means OSX compatible, hate to break the news to you). I beleive that your statement "Mac compatible" is completely bogus, and I stand by that. Your game is "OS9" compatible, not "Mac" compatible. I don't want other Mac gamers to be misled. Not mentioning the game will only work in OS9 in that first press release was unintentionally misleading imho. Thats why I was so upset yesterday.

I appreciate you taking the time to even read my rant Matt, it proves you guys care, and thats the thing I love about the Battlefront community. But you can't make the best game in the world on a Mac, and then hope that the community won't react violently when you don't continue to support your product on the latest Mac OS. I don't envy your position, because you are trying to do the right thing, but for many in the community, your efforts come too late.

Let me say this, I care too, thats why I and many in the community think you made a bad business decision to not pursue an engine re-write before the CMAK release. This, I beleive, alienated your Mac audience, who has been with you from the beginning (and who may keep an OS9 mac in the arsenal just for your games). We never want this to happen again. We may be insignificant as far as numbers go, but we are passionate and vocal largely because we have have been with the game since the Overlord beta. The game has been so much a part of our lives because we saw it grow. It hurts to say goodbye.

The problem too is the product you make never sucked, it was always the best in show, which is why so many of us Mac "addicts" are having a hard time swallowing the fact we won't be playing another BTS game for years. This is simply unfortunate, I have no place to vent but here, and for that I am sorry.

I won't be saying another thing negative about this situation again and eagerly anticipate the engine re-write. You guys have always made the best games, for passionate gamers. With a game like CM its easy to become too passionate, we feel we have invested a lot (hell, each game can last many hours), and we start to take things personally. My only hope is that you understand we take it personal because we love it so much.

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yunfat :

Heres a heads up. The "press release" on XLR8 was a brief email note from me to him. I apparently was not clear in sending all the information to him, so any fault or error was mine. I had Mike correct it as soon as he posted other info. I presume you were the one individual that complained about the OSX compatibility.

I apologize to you if the information was not as complete as it should have been. I aplogize much more to Matt, Martin, Charles and Steve that I may have caused a bit of a row around here. I sent my note with info to try to get the word out about a great product, that will run on many Macs and didn't seem to be getting the press it deserves.

As an FYI, Mac compatible does still mean older versions of OS. As a working design professional, OSX didn't have enough native software until this year to be a professional platform for many users. I brought my group to OSX this year once enough became available. There are still many many Mac users that use OS9.X.X as it is the only way for them to get the job done.

As for the chip you have on your shoulder, lose it. We have suffered your vile vitriole repeatedly and you do nothing but spout the same crap over and over even after patient people try to assist you with a better understanding of the situation. You are proof that an insensitive Mac twit is just as bad as a PC twit. If you don't like the product, fine, don't buy it. Its a great product so you are missing out. If you really want to run the product, buy a old Mac and use it as a game machine for CM, if you are not that committed to CM then fine, move along.

Matt has explained this situation to you several times as have I. It is clear in Matt's note how he and the rest of BFC feel about the situation. I pursued the OSX thing long before you came along, we knew what the writing on the wall was as soon as Apple beta'd OSX. I listened and participated in a few debates that may have worn out my welcome here to some degree, but I eventually understood and moved on. I felt strongly enough about having a machine that ran CMBO, CMBB and now CMAK, that I bought a MDD unit that was dual boot last year so I could.

As for the engine rewrite, given that Apple's market share is miniscule, and Mac gamers are an even more minute part of that, there is no economically justifiable reason for them to have done so. Especially when there was real money to be made from MSW users that didn't require a rewrite for them to extend the franchise. The choice for BFC was sell a product to a majority of users and continue to exist and grow as a company or shut down, lose momentum, while they did a rewrite for 10,000 or so additional Mac package sales versus the possibility of several hundred thousand sales to PC users for the two new packages. What would you choose?

Be thankful they continue to work on a Mac and make available a version that will work on a Mac at all. The number of interesting games for the Mac can be counted on one hand. Abusing Matt and company for a situation they really can do nothing about doesn't make them want to support Macs more. As a Mac addict, finding ways to help evangelize CM and making it work for others should be your aim, not demonizing people for a situation that is beyond their control.

Alright so off my soapbox. Again my apologies for not sending out complete information, just trying to spread the word.

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Okay, it seems everyone has gotten everything off their chest so probably best to close this one down now.

Jammer Six, obviously the construction business and software businesses are different on great many levels. I should have come up with a more appropriate analogy. I can say though, with complete confidence that had we stopped developement of CMBB and CMAK, to recode the core game engine to support OS-X, there would not be a Battlefront.com today, of if there was it would not in a position to do the things that we can. Its really as simple as that. We took the road that allowed us to survive and even prosper.

Mac sales are indeed miniscule, but our commitment to supporting OS-X with CMX2 shows that we have not given up on the Mac gamer.

The root of this issue seems to be people saying that we gave up on OS-X with Combat Mission. Not at all, its just taking us time to get the proper support up and ready.

Thanks for all your comments everyone. Yunfat, we go back pretty far and I knew what you meant and why you are agravated by all of this.

Take care everyone, and those of you with OS-X only systems, keep checking back for updates.


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