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Hi everyone

I just purchased combat mission beyond overlord.

I am having trouble installing, i put the cd in the drive,double click on the drive to start, all i get is the install icon in the window, ok, so i double click and get no response at all. i have tryed both of my drives and still no luck.In the explore lists i can't open anything on the cd.

When i activate task manager i see the programme is not responding?

The computer is a brand new high end gameing machine and i have no problem with any other game.Could it be just a faulty cd? or am i over looking something?

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Did you purchase CMBO from a retail outlet or directly from BTS over the Internet. If it is the former (from a retail store) then you have the CDV version, which uses SafeDisc disc copy protection. This formatting technology sometimes has problems with some CD/DVD drives (though I have no list of them and I don't think that Macrovision does either).

Anyway, if you have the disk space you can attempt to copy all of the files to your hard drive and attempt the installation from those files. However this may not work if your drives are having a problem with the Macrovision encoding/formatting.

I also suggest closing down anything you may have running in the background to minimize the chance of programs interfering with the setup.

Which version of Windows are you running ?

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Just an idea:

Do you have a backup PC ?

In that case you can install the older CD/DVD player from your backup temporary in your new pc, and install CMBO (installing is very easy, you can even lay the older player on top of your pc for the temp install. and just switch cables )

The online copies dont have this problem i think.

I just bought a new CD-Rom player, A-Open 52x and it recognise both CM version without problem (online version)



[ August 11, 2003, 11:25 AM: Message edited by: Monty ]

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Check the surface of the disc to make sure there are no blemishes, dust, etc. Use the Explorer File Manager and create a directory on your hard drive called 'CMBO'. Highlight your CDROM/DVD drive and see how many files it can read (I don't know the exact files that are on the CDV/Retail release). Highlight and attempt to copy these files (and directories) to the CMBO directory on your hard drive. If this gives you an error, then your drives probably have a hard time with the SafeDisc formatting.

You can also attempt to boot XP in Safe Mode (here are some instructions to do this). I can't recall, but I believe XP gives you access to CD/DVD drives in Safe Mode. If that is the case, then attempt to copy the files again and see if that works.

If neither of these steps works, then you may have a drive that is incompatible with SafeDisc. Following the above advice is probably going to be your only solution - copying the files on another computer whose CD/DVD drives can read the SafeDisc format. You can then move these files onto a CD or some other media to transfer them to your current computer. However, you will need the original CD, even if you burn another CD (don't perform a 'direct disc-to-disc' copy - even if it could be done properly with the Safe Disc formatting - it would make another CD that has the same problems as the original), it will be necessary for CMBO to run. A copied CD will be seen as a fake and CMBO will not run. It is still possible however that the drive's inability to read the SafeDisc format could still cause problems after running the install of the files you just copied over.

The BFC/Internet version does NOT use SafeDisc formatting, so it generally doesn't have this particular problem.

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Seems to be more than a little misinformation in this thread so let me clarify some things.

CMBO:Special Edition, which is available in retail right now does NOT have SafeDisc protection on it!

ONLY the European releases of CMBB (which they call CM2) had SafeDisc protection.

The UK retail release of CMBO (the one with the extra mod disc released last year) might have had SafeDisc on it but I am not 100% sure as I don't have a disc from that release to analyze.

The forthcoming CMBB:Special Edition which will be released to retail by the end of the year will also NOT have SafeDisc on it.

We have done this to minimize issues that seem to occur with the SafeDisc system and certain CD drives.

So for the person above with the problem, its not being caused by incompatability between your CD drive and SafeDisc because the disc doesn't have SafeDisc on it.

To fix your problem try and manually copy the Install.exe file from the disc to your harddrive and run it from there. If that does not work, boot up in Safe mode and try and copy it to your harddrive or you can even try and install it from the CD in safe mode as some people have said that will work as well.


[ August 11, 2003, 01:44 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]

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Madmatt has corrected me about the SafeDisc formatting in the CDV/Retail releases.

If you have CMBO 'Special Edition' that is sold in North American retail, then your CD doesn't use SafeDisc. If your copy is a CDV release that isn't the 'Special Edition' then there's a possibility that copy has the SafeDisc formatting. However these copies generally aren't available in North American retail. They did however make an appearance in North American retail a year or so ago when some distributors working with CDV managed to sell copies to North American retailers. These were the European versions that supported multiple languages (German typically being the primary one), but their release to North American retailers was unapproved and a lot copies eventually got pulled from the shelves. Recent purchases of CMBO (which should be the 'approved' version that is labelled 'Special Edition' - which also has added textures and scenarios) won't have the SafeDisc formatting.

Which brings us to the point that some CD/DVD drives have a problem reading very full manufactured CDs on occasion. This happened with the intial Internet release of CMBB. Though a manufacturing defect was partially responsible for the problem, other people had problems reading the CDs when the CD itself was in good condition.

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As Ian says above, some European versions of CMBB did slip through the cracks and various North American retailers did sell them, most notably CompUSA.

You can tell if you have a European version of CMBB very easily. We never (at least not yet) sold it in retail, so if you bought it from a store, you are almost guaranteed to have the European (SafeDisc protected) version. Another way to check is that the European version is actually called 'Combat Mission 2: Barbarossa to Berlin', while we always call it Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin (no "2" in the title).

Now, in a few months, retail stores will be carrying Combat Mission: Barbarrosa to Berlin SPECIAL EDITION. This will also NOT have SafeDisc on it. There is a chance that the title on the box may say "Combat Mission 2: Barbaroosa to Berlin Special Edition" but I am trying to have that number "2" removed from the title as its confusing enough already.


[ August 11, 2003, 01:41 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]

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Thanks for all the help.

I have managed to install in safe mode.

But when i go to launch the game the screen turns black.I have sound but nothing else.

Please tell me this game is worth the agrrevation, it looks pretty cool.

Thanks again for your help.

All the best.

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What video card and what drivers do you have installed for it ? If you 'Alt-Tab' to minimize the game and then re-maximize it, do you see anything then ? Do you have FSAA/Smoothvision enabled for your video card ? If so you may want to turn it off for now.

There is also a known problem with one of the Microsoft security patches and some DirectX games, which includes CM. When people uninstall it, this particular problem of the screen going black is reduced. However I believe that the patch is part of Service Pack 1 for XP and you probably won't be able to uninstall it if you have SP1 installed.

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