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Usermade campaigns?

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Hi! Im looking for some good campaigns to download and play and would be happy for some recommendations. I've downloaded the Perdition minicampaign and it looks like an astonishing piece of work but my computer gets the hiccups when i try to run it. I guess its because of the sheer size of the maps and number of units so if you could point me in the direction of some smaller ones i would be very happy!

I do prefer red on red but anything goes!


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Paper Tiger, who did the Perdition campaign, also did the Hasrabit campaign, which may or may not be more manageable. I haven't played it through, so I don't know how big/involved the maps get, but I've heard it's a work of art.

Also try Webwing's Ghost campaign. That one's not Red vs Red, but it's a terrific campaign and it shouldn't tax the computer too much. I've also heard good things about the TF Narwick campaign.

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Hi there.

If your rig is struggling with Perdition then it will struggle with Hasrabit too I'm afraid.

The maps are smaller than Perdition's maps, sometimes a LOT smaller but there is a much higher unit density, around 2 companies with support on either side, sometimes a full Battalion. And when the firefights start, the CPU can struggle. Anyway, I've temporarily removed Hasrabit for downloading until the new version is ready.

However, I am developing another campaign that will have both smaller maps and smaller forces which should arrive a month or two after the Marines module arrives. It will come in two flavours, Marines v Red AI and Red v Red.

BTW, theFightingseabee... what happened to your post count?

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