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SC1 Counter MODS?


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Sorry Larry, SC1 has long left my hard drive eons ago.

But you know where jbunnelle is posting, you're in the right thread over at matrix, perhaps he still has those gems stored.

So Larry...are you playing RtV? Seems to be a very rough cut of SC, but maybe in about 5 years it'll get somewhere close to where SC2 is now.

Course by then, Hubert will have moved ole SC down the road another quantum leap.

Might as well "smell the coffee" this is where strategic gaming is at and likely to be in the future. So why are you messing with SC1?

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Sorry Larry, SC1 has long left my hard drive eons ago.

But you know where jbunnelle is posting, you're in the right thread over at matrix, perhaps he still has those gems stored.

So Larry...are you playing RtV? Seems to be a very rough cut of SC, but maybe in about 5 years it'll get somewhere close to where SC2 is now.

Course by then, Hubert will have moved ole SC down the road another quantum leap.

Might as well "smell the coffee" this is where strategic gaming is at and likely to be in the future. So why are you messing with SC1?

I tried the SC1 demo last night after reading so many posts about comparing it to RtV. I wondered how it played. I liked it and bought it. I don't really like SC2 better either. Not yet at least. :confused:

I also left a post at Matrix in that same thread so maybe jbunnelle will answer it.

Yes I'm playing RtV and like it a lot. It's catchy little game that plays well.

I also have SC2 and both expansions. I play it some but there are a few things I don't like about it. One of them is I wish Battlefront would incorporate ToolTips in their games. The rest don't really matter so I will shut up. :o

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Hey Sea Monkey, with all due respect, how about putting a haitus on dissing RTW?...there is no need for it and only demonstrates an inferiority complex which in not needed because everyone knows that SCWAW is a great game in its' own right...why not simply welcome another WWII strategic game into the fold and let it go at that..simply put, let people decide for themselves what they like and let them have their fun playing as many WWII ETO games that they want...this fanboy crap reminds me of the sychophants at the OOTP forum which is why I stopped going there.....and for the record, I bought and play RTW and enjoy it very much...the map is the perfect scale for an ETO campaign and there are many features that I like...is it perfect?...No...but I will wager that it will become an excellent game in short order as the first update has already made it much better...

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I hope your right JP, I would like to see something truly rival SC.

I guess I'm just jaded, been disappointed by too many ventures that ended up at a dead end. I should try to guard against becoming a cynic.

I wasn't trying to be critical of RtV, just skeptical that the designers will hang in there as along Hubert has with SC and commit to getting it right. Its like Les said, these new game designs come along and they have all the deficiencies that SC1 had and it seems these new guys haven't learned a thing from the trials and tribulations SC went through.

Why would I want to regress? I can invision myself making all the same old recommendations that have now been incorporated into SC2 and maybe in a year or two, perhaps longer, they finally get the game where SC2 is now.

I'm getting tired of starting over, trudging down that same old dusty road time after time. At least HC has given me an editor to work with. How long before RtV has an editor? They didn't even have the forsight to release the game with a PBEM feature.

Please JP....I'm not a fanboy....I'm a factboy.

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Thanks for the reply Sea Monkey as it was a thoughtful response....I do not look at it as a regression. Remember, that there might be people who stumble on RTW without even knowing SCWAW even exists, and if they enter the wargaming community through that door, then that's great..in time, they may find SCWAW and have a new way to experience a strategic WWII game, and be all the better for it.

The portal through which someone enters wargaming can come from any direction, and while some may want all roads to lead to SCWAW, a sign post like RTW, can be a good guide.....

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Thanks for the reply Sea Monkey as it was a thoughtful response....I do not look at it as a regression. Remember, that there might be people who stumble on RTW without even knowing SCWAW even exists, and if they enter the wargaming community through that door, then that's great..in time, they may find SCWAW and have a new way to experience a strategic WWII game, and be all the better for it.

The portal through which someone enters wargaming can come from any direction, and while some may want all roads to lead to SCWAW, a sign post like RTW, can be a good guide.....

I'm not taking sides here, but I want to say that I really admire the way you think along these lines of gaming. Games are like women. Everyone sees them differently. Some like their women heavy, others like them slim. Shapely or not so much. Same with gaming. Each gamer has their own liking and no game is better than another just because some say it is.

I have about 80 games installed on my main PC and another 75+ in boxes. I have owned maybe 250-300 games since the 1980's. I never know what I will feel like playing one week so it is a good thing I have a wide variety.

As far as Battlefront games, I own all of the Combat Mission series, SC1, and SC2 with both expansions. I also have over 30 games from Matrix. I enjoy all of them at one time or another but they are always there when I want them and in variety. ;)

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No doubt a wise perspective JP, and you are so right, the more entries into this strategic genre, the better for everyone.

Still, as I said, it'll be regression for me personally, as a further dilution of my time with the possibility of an empty return. Not that I'm against experimentation as I do recognize the other games have some nifty features I would eventually like to see incorporated into my "chosen" wargame.

With limited resources it is necessary to prioritize your investments and after reading the threads from both CEaW and WW2 RtV, they have fallen way back on the list.

The list does remain though, and at the top now is NWS Supremacy at Sea. Doesn't it look like a novel experience, something really different. I'll monitor the resulting threads and perhaps follow through with the investment.

Yes...I'm picky....picky....picky.....remember....limited resources, of which time is most invaluable.

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Errr...can anyone send me my mod? jbunnelle7__at__yahoo.com. Long gone from a harddrive crash from ages ago. Glad to hear it's still floating about. Just reinstalling this great game.

Finally hear from you. I tried to email you through Matrix but it was a dead link. If you get your mod back, can I get it from you?

Thanks! :D

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