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Engineer-Built Fortifications and AA Tech

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Hey all,

I curious as to what the community thinks about the idea of allowing engineer-built fortifications to be upgraded with AA tech like their at-start counterparts (e.g., like Malta, Sevastopol, and Gibraltar). Obviously, it could increase the ability of fortifications to resist enemy attacks (assuming AA tech was invested in) and that could affect play balance. But I feel the current system does not sufficiently credit the defender for being in an entrenchment (with respect to enemy air attacks).

I look forward to the Community's thoughts on the matter.

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I agree with this idea as well as the ability to fortify cities with antitank and anti infantry emplacements as well as naval guns also would like to see resources have this same ability......just my one and a half cents

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How about, I just bring it to you?

This is a good point about unit density and this is where stacking into a container hex provision will be the fix. Each hex, depending on its predominant terrain/function has the ability to contain a certain density of combat units.

As the units accumulate the containing hex takes on different attributes has different abilities.

Take a land hex for instance, obviously a clear terrain hex would allow the most density, forest allows more infantry, limiting mobile units, a containing road allows an additional motorized deployment....get my drift.

Say you start out with just an infantry division, or a corps as the base combat occupier, then the hex does not have a rigid ZoC until you deploy more. Perhaps another division or corps, now the hex contains a corps or army and has more influence on surrounding hexes.

Want to give it more abilities, add some anti-tank guns, artillery, armor, engineers, recon, assign a leader and name it Kampfgruppe Kempf or something to that effect, even PanzerGruppe Guderian. I love customizing my units. Here's where upgrades come into play, not to mention various combat bonuses, like combined arms, defensive enhancements, bombardment effects, infiltration.

Now let's say you designate a portion, not all, of the hex's deployment to a certain attack task, maybe a portion to a diversion, another portion to the main assault. Want a secondary assault...so be it. You create a breakthrough, guess which units in your kampfgruppe ignore ZoCs and flood through the opening, but only if you left them in the "reserve" designation, or the "exploitation" mode, or whatever.

You see where I'm going with this? Combined arms, prosecuting attacks, setting up defences is about attaching the appropriate units to a designated command structure and giving them a task.

Then hit the button/key....WeGo.

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