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640x480 res problem

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I hope someone can help. I just upgraded to XP and the GeForce2 video driver. I have seen the postings regarding the video drivers/XP and that is not my problem.

My problem is, when I boot up, the only resolution the game finds is 640x480 and asks me if I want to accept it. When I scroll thru the list, I only get different refrsh rates. Not higher resolutions.

How do I get CM to see higher resolutions.

I have tried deleting the CM Prefs file, readjusting the Video settings to ensure 600x800 (or higher), yet CM continues to come back to the 640x480.

Also, I dont know if this is related, but the title screen has DEMO across the top, even though I am booting from the CD (I purchased).

Any ideas???

Thanks in advance.


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You purchased the CD from BTS or CDV (Europe) ? There should be no 'Demo' banner in the game unless you're playing the 'Gold Demo' which isn't sold (free download).

Regardless. The Gold Demo should be capable of at least 1024x768 (maybe a little higher than that, but if I recall correctly it does have a resolution limit that the full version doesn't). Though I'm not aware of any changes to the code that would affect your problem; what version of CM are you running (on the first screen in the lower right hand corner should be the version number in white characters).

Windows XP should have DirectX 8.1 as part of the OS, so no updates to DirectX should be necessary. It sounds like you're having problems with the video driver working with DirectX correctly. Go to Start Menu > Run > type 'C:\PROGRAM FILES\DIRECTX\SETUP\DXDIAG' (I can't remember if that is the location for XP - if not then do a search on DXDIAG). This will load up the DirectX Diagnostic, go to the Display tab and check the state of the three DirectX Features and make sure that they're enabled (if they're not the 'enabled' text will be on a 'raised button'). Run the two tests to see if things are actually working.

In order to select a higher resolution you need to 1) Delete the CM Prefs file 2) Set the desktop resolution to something as high or higher than what you intend to run CMBO at 3) Make sure that you're running at 16-bit color or higher. The next time you run CMBO the resolution selection process should start at your current desktop resolution (but at a possibly higher refresh rate). One of the lines in the 'box' for the resolution will often state 'Primary Display' or possibly the name of the video card. Otherwise it should say 'Software Render' or something to that effect. When you get the Software setting, your video hardware isn't being seen as 3D capable, which would indicate a video driver problem in your case.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Schrullenhaft:

You purchased the CD from BTS or CDV (Europe) ? There should be no 'Demo' banner in the game unless you're playing the 'Gold Demo' which isn't sold (free download)...

...what version of CM are you running (on the first screen in the lower right hand corner should be the version number in white characters).

...go to the Display tab and check the state of the three DirectX Features and make sure that they're enabled (if they're not the 'enabled' text will be on a 'raised button'). Run the two tests to see if things are actually working.

...When you get the Software setting, your video hardware isn't being seen as 3D capable, which would indicate a video driver problem in your case.<hr></blockquote>

First, thank you Schrullenhaft for taking the time to give me such a well considered reply to my post.

I tried all you suggest, so therefore I believe it must be related to the driver. The software was purchased online last year from BTS and played fine on my old P-350/stealthII (albiet slow on occasion). It has only been since the upgrade, that I have noticed the problems.

As you suggested, I had checked the DirectX box and the direct3D drivers are enabled, and they test fine. yet, it seems CM is not seeing my card somehow.

And that DEMO thing is really baffling.

I have downloaded the beta 27.10 drivers and will try them this evening. If there is still a problem I'll take a screenshot and be back tomorrow for further help.

Thank you again.


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