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Mine Fields!

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Hello All,

I'm designing a scenario in which I want to create a mine field that is a hazard to both teams. (Will funnel movement into a few different pathways) Will mines kill friendlies? Or do I need to create the field with the mines interspersed from both teams?

Also, I have heard different opinions on the ability to play this game multiplayer? Does anyone regularly do it, or are the bugs not yet ironed out?


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I can say that the multi-player aspect of it is being tested as we speak, I know I'm one of the tester testing it and so far its working. It will be in v105 which it will be coming soon.

as for the question about will the mines be hazard to both teams, dam good question. I don't think so but can be wrong on it. If the Blue side lay a mine field only the blue team will know where its at and avoid the mine field, I hope, its never been tested would like to know for myself.


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Hell, even if the engineers did work, things happen so fast during a scenario that half a platoon may be wiped out before you even realize they've stumbled into a mine field.....

Anyhow, I've not seen mine fields utilized very much in 3rd party scenarios, I always try to include them in mine to keep things spicy! Try out my first one at CMMODS, a bloodbath!!

Mines are the cheapest form of defense there is, as long as you are willing to trade a little ground and some civilians!!

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Originally posted by SoColdInWinter:

Hell, even if the engineers did work, things happen so fast during a scenario that half a platoon may be wiped out before you even realize they've stumbled into a mine field.....

Anyhow, I've not seen mine fields utilized very much in 3rd party scenarios, I always try to include them in mine to keep things spicy! Try out my first one at CMMODS, a bloodbath!!

Mines are the cheapest form of defense there is, as long as you are willing to trade a little ground and some civilians!!


It sounds sick, but what the hell! :D


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