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Tank scenario request

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I'm a fan of tanks and CMSF allow me to play them in a tank Vs tank battle like in the stock Allah's fist scenario. However there seems not many other tank Vs tank scenario available both in the stock and user created scenarios.

So let me request a tank Vs tanks scenario for you the gifted scenario designers. A campaign would even be better where tanks take the main role instead of supporting one. I know CMSF is all about infantry but hey I just can't resist looking at the wonderfully drawn, animated and working suspension tanks. Got to admit the tanks 3D is beautiful...until you see them explode lol typical of battlefron't CM series

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Check out the QBG latest pack. Failing that the one before it had tank on tank action.

There are a few I have made included in the packs.

I think Mark Ezra has a good listing system and can probly tell you better than I can lol.

Trust me, they are in there somewhere.

Failing that, drop me an email and I will craft you a tank battle....RED V RED, RED V BLUE or BLUE V BLUE...not a problem.

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Hmm Qb isn't exactly what I had in mind. QB puts too many units in a too small terrain. Not a pretty sight because once battle started those units would start shooting at each other.

It doesn't have to be M1 Vs T72/T62.

Perhaps mainly T55 versus BMPs and BTRs

T62 Vs T55, BMP and BTR

T72 VS T62, T55, BMP or BTR and some building(preferably parliamentary building) shelling :D

T72 Vs T72 of less modern version

BMPs with dismounted ATGM squads ambushing a few M1s

The list of possibilites is endless...

EDIT:Typo correction

[ October 13, 2007, 06:40 PM: Message edited by: Michael Withstand ]

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QB puts too many units in a too small terrain.
wait, i gona show you a screen of how many units and how big the map.

i edit this in 5 minutes and add the screen.

than i also can tell what QB setting i exactly used.


well, the QB editor tried to trick me by giving me no pure tank force. that i regualry get pure tank forces when i dont want them wasnt important there.

settings for defender(red), where republican guard, heavy infantry, exellent. "medium" battle size setting.

but its not sure what you will get, you have to try a bit. but i sure can recommand this QB map(is the rough one), it playes out nice, also with better opposition than +150% combatatnts medium infatry, like here :D

if thats not big enough for 3 tanks something bigger would be needed.


[ October 13, 2007, 05:16 PM: Message edited by: Pandur ]

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Quick tip. Get the large map pack from CMMODS. It specialises in 1.2km x 1.2km maps and play armour engagements on it.

There is another map pack that has big maps saved as small and medium so you can play smaller tank battles on larger maps. They are all at CMMODS. They are built in with scenarios and can be used for QB too.

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if you are tuned for insant tank action you could also try my PzBattleSMALL ;)

its absolutely nothing fancy, i created it with 1.01 to try things out in a massive 3 companys vs. 3 companys battle, looks awsome. total rampage.

however its verry demanding to play as that much tanks and much ground and all is so laggy.

so i did the small version, same map just 3 platoons of tanks instead.

the AI plan is nothing special, i just tried to get em to the middle of the map by themselfs back in 1.01 so they wont sit in setup zone 3500m away.

thats screens of the big version with bad AI plan as you can see. small version is a bih better ;)

one change did the map get wich isnt here on the screens. becouse the map is pretty long i did "stripe" the map along the length. you can see the heights and dips much much better that way from afar. befor it was a pain to examine the elevation differences.



if you want it i upload it at rapidshare, as its by far not enough to up it at cmmods. it has no briefing and nothing, just the battle.

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