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Dodgy objectives and ATGM not firing

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Pottering about making tons of scenarios but found that no troops want to destroy the objectives marked for destruction. What am I doing wrong? I set up the map, place the obj tile, place a building on the tile marked as destroy but the troops bypass it.

Also Sagger AT-3 units refuse to fire at anything. Even made a test scenario with a dozen Humvee's but the Sagger teams just stared passively into the distance.

Any tips would be appreciated smile.gif

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Originally posted by Mishga:

Done a bit of digging around and it seems the sagger AT3 needs 500m to get hot.


Even then it's iffy if the crew will fire at less than 550m. Made a test scenario myself and even with an elite crew they won't fire unless they're pretty damn sure it's going to be a kill.
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Having read up on the Sagger it seems it's a bullet magnet after firing. High signature of launch etc...

Reminds me of WW2 Russian Anti tank guns where the crew would run away apart from one unlucky soul who actually fired the gun. If it survived they would run back and reload.

"You fire the rocket, Mukhtar!"


"It's Allah's will!"

"Let him fire the sodding Sagger then!"

Etc Etc

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