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v1.07 Real time bugs

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Hi All

Was playing CMSF for the first time as a two player with my friend the other day. In the first game - standard scenario - he had no issues at all. On the second and subsequent games {quick battles} (even after restarting the game) he had:- floating troops as if still in a vehicle but unmovable, Situations where there was capacity but vehicles would not allow unit loading and order lag(not seconds but a long time). I did not get any of this behaviour, but I was the host. Next time we will try with him as host. I seem to remember some time back that I had seen reference to a couple of these bugs before, but possibly in the WEGO version. Are the issues I have highlighted known for 2 player realtime and if so is there a fix planned for them or is this some peculiarity that is unique to us? Is the issue more to do with the quick battle choice? Can anyone shed any light please.



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Just for information - tried now as client.

QBs show:- creeping units (Very very slow!) - men hanging over landscape inside vehicles that have driven off (no orders given affect them) - Non response to some orders - delays on other orders of between 1 and 10 minutes!!!! Unplayable really. {We were playing blue on blue - is this relevant?}

Normal battles - some lag effects (units are sometimes unorderable but it turns out they are dead already but the game has not got to the point where they are actually dead to you clientside) (delays make coordinating an attack nigh on impossible with any precision) - checked countdown timers on server and client 3 second difference (we were playing at a ping of between 170 and 190)

QBs need fix and net code tweaking could help.

Hope this is of some use



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This reminds me the problems encountered with earlier versions:


A solution found by Thelmia was:

"1. The host MUST wait for the guest to finish setting up before hitting the ready button.

2. The host should take at least a minute before hitting the ready button to let the two sides sync up.


I haven't tried yet with 1.07, but I hope it'll be ok for little scenarios...

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