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Mid life PC Upgrade

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I'm looking at an upgrade to the XP Pro machine that runs CM:SF (and some other stuff).

Looking at upgrading from 1Gb to 2Gb of RAM (presumably no one thinks this is a bad thing)?

Also looking at going from a Nvidia GEforce 6600GT 256Mb to a Nvidia GEforce 8800GT (512Mb).

Have people here found the 8800 GT acceptable? I'm working on the assumption that doubling the VRAM will improve graphics quality and frame rates which is currently acceptable but I figure can always be improved upon.


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"Mid life PC Upgrade" :eek:

Originally posted by gibsonm (CMSF Mac OS X version):

Is there some reason why this is lurking here in the Tech Support thread instead of the main one?

I undertook to keep you guys up to date where I can but its going to be hard if you have posted the same thread in a zillion different places. smile.gif

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From my point of view, I would currently recommend something like 2GB of RAM + Sapphire Radeon X1950 Pro or XFX GeForce 7900 GS XXX

With this combination you should be absolutely fine while playing CMSF and/or most other games available with medium and often even high settings. Of course, many simulation-related games out there may also strongly benefit from main processor power, though as you didn't have mentioned yours in the initial posting above, I assume it should be fine as it is.

Every other RAM/Graphicscard combination than I did recommend just before would be like "throwing your money down the drain" (!?) IMHO. This is because the next GPU-Generations are just waiting to be released shortly, and as soon that would have proceeded, the hardware industry would only have you once again left with "old" and overpriced stuff... so better make a "small" upgrade and save the rest of your money for an entirely up-to-date system upgrade in future, instead.

[ January 20, 2008, 11:03 AM: Message edited by: S2kde ]

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Not too worried about processor power. This machine will remain in its post upgrade state for the next 4-5 years.

Its the only Windoze box that I have and its only there for Beta testing / playing CM:SF.

Once we start work on the OS X version, this will go back to gathering dust again as my main machines (a Mac Pro and a MacBook Pro) will be ones on the ongoing upgrade/replacement cycle.

Thanks again.

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