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Battle Gen and Camp Editor in vista 64?

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I have read the faqs saying the two editors will not run in vista 64. The map editor does run. What I am not understanding is vista 64 is no different then vista 32. Vista 64 installs and runs any 32 bit application automatically in 32 bit. Notice how vista 64 does not install games into 'program files'. Instead it installs them into 'program files (x86)' which runs it in 32 bit. I understand it all runs fine in vista 32 so this is why it don't make sense to me that 64 can't run it.

When I attempt to run the editors, it comes up with an error stating wrong game version. I have been running it as an administrator so that can't be the problem. Has anyone found out a way to get them to run in vista 64? This was one of my favorite things to do in the combat mission games is making scenarios. I feel 50% of my game is missing without those editors. I hope someone can help.

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