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Graphic Card Advice

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I give up. Im so frustrated and have tried everything to get the game running. Other games run beautifully but I just cant get this one going. Strange thing is at the very lowest settings and the very highest settings the speed is just the same, about 1 frame every 2 seconds.

I ran frps to check.

I worried that this is a completely deiiefernt problem but am going to buy a new graphices card.

QUESTION:The Sandra program picks up my slots as three PCI. The HP website says there is a PCI Express in there. I have an HP Pavilion a1210n AMD Athlon 64.

How can I tell the differemce between PCI and PCI Express?

Will an Nvidia card run with AMD processor?



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Dont buy a new graphic card, it wont help, only the shop who sells it.

wait, be patient, im sure its a game issue, i been testing the demo for 2 days now, done everything possible and nothing changed.

And it should, no matter what kind of machine you have, if you change the settings, performance must change, and it doesnt.

like i said, dont buy something new out of frustration, be patient and wait...

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I've got an HP, and my computer came with an onboard Nvidia 6150LE card. It was no faster than the 5 year old computer I had before, so I put a 7300GT in there. Increased my graphics speed by a factor of five and I didn't need to change out the power supply. TOW runs very smoothly for me, but having a 5200+ AMD dual core also doesn't hurt.

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laptop fuji AMD64 3200+, 1 go, ATI radeon 9700 128 megs. omega drivers.

runing at 18-20 fps (15 with reenforcements) it's playable with options on "normal" (no shadows) (eax off)

make sure to clean registry base (Ccleaner), turn off you antivir, make a defrag, and use cleanup to delete some hundreds of megs, you may gain some precious fps, when you're playing turn off internet connection to free ressources.


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Originally posted by Spartan:


Sorry. Its not a case of trying to increase marginally the frame rate. I just dont think this program is running on my PC..

Spartan, I have an amd athlon 64 dual core processor and an Nvidia Geforce 6600 graphic card: every game I installed run, except TOW (I guess it's the same your problem, the game won't start without any error message). I'm pretty sure it's not depending of our graprhic cards but something is wrong in the game files.
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