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Newbie help (Different newbie!)


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I'm a complete and total newbie to war gaming. The closest I've ever gotten to anything involving tanks and soldiers would be Command and Conquer. I'm not *COMPLETELY* clueless on units, but just about 90% clueless.

I couldn't tell you the difference between a Sharman or a Cromwell.

Yeah, either way, I've decided I'm going to try hard to get into CMBO. I've already read the manual more than I've read any other manual to any other game.

After finally successfully completing the tutorial, which took a while (Move tanks, boom, boom, 2 dead tanks, gg, I lose. Finally I learned to hold them back for a bit, heh.) I want to start on some of the other missions.

But I don't want to just jump in head first and end up getting one of the hardest ones.

So, what are the easier missions? (I have the special edition, if that makes any difference.)

And while we're on the subject of newbie help, anyone have any tips? Any websites with tips? Anything at all?

Oh yeah, and how do you know how much of your tank is showing? Is there an actual way to see it for sure? Or is it all a guess judged by dropping the view down to the ground?

[ November 13, 2003, 12:50 AM: Message edited by: knob ]

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Welcome to the game!

The Tactics forum here sometimes has some good threads. They won't necessarily be specific to CMBO, but a lot of the basic ideas are universal to any tactical wargame.

I haven't actually played CMBO in a while, so I'm not sure which specific missions are "easier" than others, but I will suggest that you start off with some of the smaller engagements. There are fewer units to worry about and you'll be able to learn some basic tactics much faster than if you have 1000 points worth of things duking it out.

Oh yeah, and how do you know how much of your tank is showing? Is there an actual way to see it for sure? Or is it all a guess judged by dropping the view down to the ground?
IIRC, the CM engine only takes into account hull-down status in an absolute sense. That is, your tank is either hull-down or not, meaning either only the turret is exposed or your entire tank is exposed. So I wouldn't worry about the nitty-gritty details of exposure. Just worry about getting your tanks hull-down (hard enough in itself).
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I am also a newbie and my knowledge of WWII equipment is basically Sherman's would have been very good tanks in 1939 but are used in 1944.

5th Ghoster Go East - or something like that - is a huge pain, I played that first. I don't recommend it for a newbie.

I found the smaller scenarios easier to play first. But not the Devil scenario, it is set at night which was hard for me to deal with as a newbie.

My recommendation is look for smaller scenarios and meeting engagements. Attacking entrenched positions requires some finess I don't have yet.

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might also be helpful if you played a pbem with someone willing to walk you through it and answer questions as you go

let me know if you're interested...

made the same offer in another thread here and we're engaged in a game currently where we talk as we go through the battle tackling questions as they come up

[ November 13, 2003, 10:05 PM: Message edited by: easytarget ]

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The first scenerio I played actually was on Barbarossa to Berlin.

It was street fighting in the center of Berlin, and every inch gained was hard fought. Before I knew it, my tanks were exploding in the streets and buildings were catching fire.

My troops ran around, firing chaotically at everything that moved, and in the end, I took a bad defeat.

Go ahead and dive into a difficult mission, you will probably learn that way faster than any other


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Nope, nothing you need to do.

Btw, I set up a meeting engagement this afternoon and fired it off at you.

So you've now got something to do! At this point all that's happened is I've set up the parameters and selected my units. In your first turn you'll need to purchase your units and then send that turn back to me. I'll deploy on my end, send you my turn back and then you deploy.

Once that's done, we're off to battle!

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