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TOW needs a "Closecombat " style of "Grand Campaign"


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Hello. First let me say that I have written similar programs for other sims (Silent Hunter III).

I agree the DCG approach can revolutionize a game if the developer only "forgot" to add a campaign system. And without doubt TOW is a candidate for the DCG approach.

In order for this to work however there are a few conditions that TOW does not fulfill:

- the engine must export detailed and correct battle result after every engagement, in a readable format

- the game must allow retreats and undecided engagements (no fights to the last man)

- the AI must be willing to conserve forces (did I say no fights to the last man?)

- the AI must not have to rely on extremely numerical advantage in every battle (competent enought to fight with equal forces)

- the publisher must agree to the development of such an external campaign application (otherwise there is a risk they will legally shut down my mod)

So far I see that these are the major obstacles in creating an external campaign engine for TOW. Please let me know if there have been changes to the games in that respect (I do not own a copy).

And finally, yes, CC2 was the best tactical campaign in every way. It was also one of the most finely balanced games of this kind. These are probably the two reasons TOW is not very well received by CC vets. Even after following this game with growing frustration since 2003, I sincerely hope that there will be a happy end. I hope the developer will realize what they have to do in order to make this the spiritual successor of CC2.

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