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It is not a campaign.

Von Rosen

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This is NOT a campaign.

I love playing the CM series, but I always missed a campaign, so I buy TOW, because here there is a campaign, but there is NOT, I been cheated, TOW only have some missions linked together. :mad: :mad: :mad:

A campaign needs 2 things.

1. It needs core units, something the player can relate to, something that he can develop and follow, how hard can it be, old games like Panzer General have a campaign with core units, in TOW U can only have crew as core units, but U cannot have AFV, and to make it worse (like that was possible) the core crew belong to one special AFV :confused: :confused:

So if the mission doesn’t support the AFV U like, well then there is no good crew and only the AFV the mission support.

U should, of course, have the chance to have core units INCLUDING the AFV.

2. A campaign must NOT be one straight line, in TOW U always play the same missions, if U are Germany U will always lose the War.

A campaign must be flexible not a straight line, that is known to every child.

So there is NO campaign in TOW, I want my money back. :mad:

One more thing, I hate when the AFV and soldiers start moving on there own, I know I have to pres the “don’t ****ing move” button, but it is still the must stupid thing.

So I say, like they do on the web, TOW sucks.


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What you seem to be asking for, in a rather rude and childish way I might add, is a fully Dynamic Campaign, like what you might get in some flight simulators, but we never said thats what you would get and you are wrong in that you CAN actually have units progress from mission to mission. In fact, thats one of the things the new Panzer Lehr CAMPAIGN (and I use that word because thats what it is) does since the battles all occur in a very short period of time as opposed to the other CAMPAIGNS.

Now then, since you want to break the forum rules and use vulgarity, you are being warned that if you do so again you be banned from the forum.

We want to hear your opinions, but you will be respectful of others or you will not be allowed back.


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WOW, that was a fast reply, I guess that is daytime in your corner of the world.

Yes I am rude.

Yes I am unpleasant.

Yes I am violent.

But I am not childish, it is bequse of the writing, my engilsk isn’t that good.

But I respectably disagree, the CAMPAIGN is not good, U need core units to make it a CAMPAIGN, and of course AFV should belong to the core units.

Not like in a flight simulator, just some extra missions, like if U do well in the Ardennes offensive, U should be able to kick the west allied back in the sea, likewise if U do well in Moskva in 41, U should be able to stop the war on the east front,

U se I am a modest man I just want a real CAMPAIGN.

Von Rosen

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Von Rosen I don't know what your experience is with video games much less war games but most war games use a linear form of campaigns. Your defination of campaign is basically one type but not nearly the average. I could name many games but it's almost all. What you are looking for is a game with a dynamic campign generator. By the way this game has never advertised as having a dynamic campaign. Try a game like IL-2 Sturmovik,X3:Reunion or Silent Hunter 3. Basically what Matt Said.

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