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TOW Going Cheap


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Originally posted by landwarrior:

It is one of the best war games, that has ever been made smile.gif

I agree.I also think it has much more potential which hopefully the makers and publishers will exploit.When people express disappointment in the state the game was published in I can see where they're coming from but even in it's original state personally I got a lot of fun from it and have always considered I had my moneys'worth.Since then we've had a few nice additions with more to come and I think one of these days we could have a classic on our hands. The important thing for all of us who support the game is to keep on doing so in whatever way we can. I know it's aggravating when a patch we were seemingly promised by a particular date doesn't happen but at least we know it will turn up and we know this because people like Sneaksie and MadMatt have said so and we know from past experience that we can trust them. Theatre of War is good. It's going to be great.

Merry Christmas.


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It is one of the best war games, that has ever been made
Sorry for asking, have you yet played a mission with infantry involved?

If I am platoon or company commander would I need to tell Private Numbnut to give his Bazooka ammo to his comrade, one meter away, in the middle of a battle?

TOW's not bad, or worse as some have it, although I don't like it anymore. It has basically a good vehicle combat system.

But its not one of the best in my definition of a tactical game with historical background.

It does not simulate unit structure.

Infantry has no heavy weapons and engineer facilities or very few. Where are rifle grenades? Mines?

Terrain offers next to no cover.

Machine gun positions are not particularly dangerous.

In reality, once a AT gun was seen it was about dead. Here uncamouflaged AT guns dominate. And if 1C would include mortars which once were to be included (I still have a development screenhot of a russian mortar somewhere), this mission system would collapse as you would easily remove the biggest threat and then walk over the AI with just tank fights remaining.

Do you really think you would gain with your high command if you end a mission and basically wreck your command every single time like in the campaigns?

I could go on and on.

I am just rereading a fascinating book about infantry warfare by two german colonels from 1963, "Infanterie im Kampf". There ww2 company/ battalion size missions are described AND analyzed by what went right and what went wrong. The only game so far able to about simulate something like these engagements would be the good old CM series.

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Played a CMBB mission today. German attack vs. Russian defence in 1942. Mortars, tanks and men did their job very well. The game ended up in major Axis victory. Mortars were essential to this victory both providing smoke screen and pinning down and routing enemy strong points.

What wonders me most in ToW is man to tank ratio. There seems to be a very large number of tanks and very little infantry. Some obvious weapons of the era are also missing.

Looking back -> ToW was supposed to be a realtime strategy game, but Company of Heroes got there first and stole the show. 1C lost their publishers. The ToW was then moved to BF and was converted into a real tactical game. I guess that all this moving back and worth between genres shows in the end result. Somehow ToW has been a victim of "almost but not quite there" syndrome. Addon and patching can help to smooth the rough edges that came from the RTS inheritance.

[ December 22, 2007, 11:30 AM: Message edited by: track ]

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Originally posted by track:

...Looking back -> ToW was supposed to be a realtime strategy game, but Company of Heroes got there first and stole the show. 1C lost their publishers. The ToW was then moved to BF and was converted into a real tactical game. I guess that all this moving back and worth between genres shows in the end result. Somehow ToW has been a victim of "almost but not quite there" syndrome. Addon and patching can help to smooth the rough edges that came from the RTS inheritance.

track, I think you hit the nail on the head with this statement. I assume too that the main reason for the ToW weaknesses is the shifts during development. With codemasters pushing it towards mainstream RTS, but after the stepdown (or however it happened) of codemasters no other publisher saw a RTS mainstream potential in ToW....with ToW moving in a direction that most early followers had already hoped for (including me): A more realistic small scale tactical game.

But for the last 1,5 years ToW had the change to move that way and came along not perfect, but ok. Now hopefully with the support of 1c, Battlefront and us customers, who still see the potential of ToW, ToW turns out to be a classic like CM or CC.

Will it turn out to be that classic wargame with the coming patch already? Most likely not!

Will it be with the add-on? Very doubtfull.... but maybe!

Will it be with a coming ToW2? If it has not achieved it by then, I guess it will never achieve it anymore...


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I think TOW has enormous potential in the future, especially with infantry warfare, which is at my point, most entertaining and challenging.

For the sales numbers, One reason might be poor reviews. In Finland, most criticided feature was poor AI actions, repeating missions and too detailed command system. Like Stoppelhopser said, No.2 from bazooka team should automatically give spare ammo to the bazooka operator when he runs out of ammo, not only to do so when commanded.

As other people have said before, we should see more dug in, prepared or camouflaged fire positions for heavy/support weapons. No commander would'nt place at-gun or mg so open as in game and no gun crew would'nt leave their weapon so woulnerable.

And we definetly need mortars for infantry support. Mortars would provide instant fire support to the infantry and that way improve and give more depth to the infantry gameplay. I would prioricy mortars before allready present airplanes.

I believe future patches will solve many of these problems. After the patches, developers should get more re-reviews from authors to get more higher review points and to get more buying customers.

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This game has a lot of potential for dealing with infantry. Better than any other game. The old CM was crap in comparison for infantry. Abstract representaion of 3 fisher price stickmen representing a squad of 12? Garbage, anybody can avoid the issues by using that approach.

TOW is a step forward from the OLD CM for infantry. It just needs to go further in terms of individual unit AI and customization.

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