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New Mission - Road Block

Bigol Boresite

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Hi all,

I just uploaded a new single mission at CMMODS.COM. It's called Road BLock, a timed mission where you, the German commander, have to clear USSR forces out of the area. I may have overdone it, as I have never won on the highest difficulty level.

I have playtested it quite a bit, so I hope that it is robust. I also hope you enjoy it.

Any and all feedback is welcome. I had a good time writing this, so I am open to doing a few more missions.

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I did win once on easy :rolleyes: Repeatedly lost on regular (with various tactics), until I changed the ZIS gunner's skill from regular to novice.

I found that the most frustrating aspect of TOW has been (what seems to me) the overaccuracy of the AI gunnery. It seems unlikely to me that even experienced gun crews would be able to knock out a tank at extreme ranges with their first (or second) shot.

I used Dr Jones SFS extractor tool and downgraded the accuracy tables. I find the game much more playable/enjoyable this way.

Maybe I'm just not cut out to be a soldier! :D

Anyway, I like your mission - good opportunities to use terrain to advantage.

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Difficulty levels where tuned to adress this 'overaccuracy'. Now normal difficulty differs from veteran difficulty only by lower enemy accuracy, without reduction in damage, etc. Thus normal is recommended now for most players who've found that ai is too accurate, but want to keep real armor ratings (on easy, enemy is less likely to achieve penetration and you have more chances to penetrate his units armor). The patch with this change (and some others) is on the way.

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Hello, Interesting ambush! So I was just getting ready to launch my counter attack into the enemy flank and the game stopped and I recieved a defeat message? Perhaps a trigger is off? Played less than three minutes.. thanks for the hard work..

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I am not sure what to do, which is good, seems the mounted aa guns make quick work of the red guns.. but the red tanks chewed me pretty badly..one thing I continue to miss is battles with distance! Please do not get me wrong this looks great! I love seeing user made scens.. some games live by them! bravo

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Great Mod! really enjoyed it smile.gif

I did it 2nd attempt on hardest, although I saved every minute (to make a movie of the epic struggle smile.gif ) and i had the 'unit hiding so I dont win' problem, which meannt I had to go back at the end and reload. It turned out to be a tank I had took out the main gun on simply drove off the map - with my AFV ignoring it at the time as a low level threat. Anyway - sorted that and mopped up the rest smile.gif

I will put in a spoiler of how i won (I have repeated the game straight through without pause/save - except pause at very start to hokkey units and issue initial orders - and won with same tactics.

Bigol Boresite:

In the first attempt I saw what I believed was the trigger for defeat which allowed me to adjust my original tactics to suit. I actually did the opposite of what I attempted originally and it had the desired effect (I won!). Great mod - I will make a movie and post it on Youtube.

[ September 01, 2007, 06:29 AM: Message edited by: Slapaho ]

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Video (same video different music, Dance / Metal / Classic)

<==music = Destination Calabria

<==music = Black Rain

<==music = The Good Bad & Ugly












phase 1

infantry take cover, armor flank AT guns from right, AA takes on russian infantry / supress AT guns.

phase 2

get all your armor to the slope where AT guns were and face them uphill asap, bring forward your infantry and AA, wait for russian counter coming over hill, concentrate your armor fire on russian tanks as they appear, move your infantry forward to mop up.

[ September 01, 2007, 08:25 AM: Message edited by: Slapaho ]

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