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What cheat protection is available in Multiplayer


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Now that it seems clear that the game will be modified, the inevitable question arises:

What cheat protection is available in the standard game, which prevents one player from having a heavily modified game, versus a player having a standard game in Multiplayer?

Is the a program in ToW which checks the files to make sure the two sides are the same?


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Originally posted by *Buzzsaw*:


Now that it seems clear that the game will be modified, the inevitable question arises:

What cheat protection is available in the standard game, which prevents one player from having a heavily modified game, versus a player having a standard game in Multiplayer?

Is the a program in ToW which checks the files to make sure the two sides are the same?


Hi there,

probably none, the protection was based on SFS archives, I guess. The TOW multiplayer uses client/server archihecture (I hope), so who host the game that one is the server and all collisons, calculations, etc are performed on the server side, clients are only processing the visuals. So if someone host the game with modified version, then the server will use calculations from that version of the game and all action will be done on that version (on the server), but if someone mods mission to include also some additonal vehicles or other stuff and the other clients don't have these resources, then the clients will probably crash.



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cheat protection - lol

Companies spend huge amount on cheat protection and other than stopping a few nabs that download other peoples applications, it is a waste.

Cheat protection is, if you think someone cheats, dont play them.

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Originally posted by Sledge110:

The game have a excellent cheat protection.

The MP is unplayable(technical and gameplay), so nobody can cheat because nobody play ToW in MP.

Not true - lots of people have played MP (including me) so if you have issues then maybe asking for help to get it too work may be better.
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Its true.

I need no help i can setup the game by my own.

But for the most, who have not a technical understanding(I am a programmer), it is just to hard and complicated to setup the game. Or do u like it to try 1-3 hours, till u can play?????

And after all the fact that a lot of people needs help to setup a MP-game speak for his own.

The gameplay is great s*** in MP. Always same units(2-3Tanks and 5 Inf) and stupid deathmatch.

If u would take a look in the forum, you will see that the great majority was not able to start the game in MP and if they was able, they dont like the gameplay.

[ July 08, 2007, 11:18 PM: Message edited by: Sledge110 ]

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Surely events can be scripted so as to make gameplay less DM orientated. I'm thinking of extra reinforcements or supports for capturing rects (made as map objectives.) etc. Therefore players will have to capture / defend areas in order to gain reinforcements.

I haven't tried writing MP scenarios yet but the editor scripting is quite powerful so I'm betting somebody will code up some better maps soon.

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Sledge, you said the MP was unplayable and yet then say you have played it. It is playable, you dont like it - theres a difference. Personally I think there is a lot of things to change on MP, like Gnasher says hopefully some mods can be made, but I would like 1C/BFC to make some changes also, as posted in the other threads on this topic (Search button, it is your friend).

BTW - I am not a programmer either, yet I and several other people managed to get it working - I mean the difficulty in selecting MP from the game menu and entering a dastardly fiendish IP address was so freaking complicated (Borat moment.... NOT)

the only 'physical' problem with MP is that it takes so long to load, 5+ minutes, and it is impossible to tell if it is loading or if an eror has occurred, meaning you can sit there for several minutes for nothing.

Anyone having problems with MP and wants to play then simply email me on the weekend and we can play. Usual problems with MP not working are to do with the users using wireless networks and routers, firewalls, proxy servers, XP permissions, etc. - not the game. These are all solvable - I have ran my PC as a server and everyone wanting to has connnected and played. Some of these people were unable to run as a server even though they could play on my server - this is, as mentioned, their machine set up, not the game.

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