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MP Rabbit thx


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Just wanted thank Rabbit for the MP game. This was my first, and I knew how hard it was going to be to get someone in there. Thanks alot, I had a good time. MP has alot of potential if there was a lobby to meet players, and also a points/unit selection screen. Oh, and victory points and or objectives would be good too. Guess we will have to wait for ToW 2...



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Yes, thanks to you too. Good games. The game holds promise. Whether or not they choose to develop it is another story. ;)

In addition to adding in-game chat, there needs to be a surrender option as well that doesn't automatically disconnect you from the server. When I'm down to a tank crew left on the field I should be able to end the game and congratulate the other player. As it stands, I have to quit AND disconnect never to find the server again.

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How was the fog of war stuff in multiplayer? Moreover when playing games such as Close Combat in solitaire mode, I always felt like the AI knew alot more than it should. However when playing CC in multiplayer mode the fog of war effects were excellent. You could hide and set up ambushes etc. Do you get this sense from playing ToW in multiplayer? Or do you need to test it a bit more?

On the gaming lobby thing -- totally agree that this sort of thing is essential. It's what made Close Combat such a blast to play.

RabidRabbit: You're not Eric Young are you?

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Thanks again Rabbit. I really enjoyed the games. That second one was tough, didnt have much punch with the tanks they gave me...lol. You are right, should have been a surrender mode or something. I would have surrendered along time ago..lol. Just kept playing because you dont really get the chance, and I wanted to make the best of it. I know they will do something about this. They are a good company, and this is too good to not know the potential. Without MP, games tend to die... :(


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Originally posted by Jeff Duquette:

RabidRabbit: You're not Eric Young are you?

Heh, no. I have played his games though. ;)

In fact, with ToW I was hoping for a finally- functional Squad Assault type game. However, what I have found is that despite all of its many many problems EYSA was ahead of its time. It had a 3d battlefield, entering of buildings, mortars, and a functional objective-based multiplayer aspect that allowed in-game chatting and pregame unit purchases. smile.gif

In my opinion FoW could surpass it, but it has some work to do.

In regards to Fog of War I think it handled nicely in our two multiplayer games.

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