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Falaise pocket mission Mod

Nikki Mond

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The mission link below for the german Falaise Pocket will now substitute a Panzer IVH instead of Panzer III, a pak 88 instead of a pak 75mm, a StugIV instead of a Panzer III. And will add a German sturm squad. Sturm squads have 2 mg34, 2 panzerschrek and 3 panzerfaust and stg44 soldiers.

Easier Falaise Pocket Breakout mission LINK

extract the mission.xml file copy into the following folder

C:\Program Files\Battlefront\Theatre of War\Missions\GERMANY\G012_Arras

you may want to rename the existing mission file to bak it up.

This will make the falaise mission a little easier BUT is still a challenge.

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