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Have not played the game yet (not even the demo, my rig is ancient...). May get it after the patch comes out. Need a new PC for that :)

Anyway, how is smoke modeled in TOW? I don't mean the smoke of a brewed up tank, but smoke used by smoke grenades.

I recently read 'By Tank into Normandy' by Stuart Hills, you see. It's a good read. I noticed that they used smoke tactically quite a lot (for instance a Tiger pops up out of the range of the Sherman 75mm gun; they immediately put some smoke between them and the Tiger).

So, how does TOW deal with this?

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There is no smoke. Personally I'd rather see this than enterable buildings or on-map mortars. It seems to me that when you fire a shell the explosion occludes vision behind it briefly so presumably it wouldn't be too hard to add? Maybe a dev or moderator could answer?

Have fun


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FinnN, you're right, in terms of an accurate combat simulation, the lack of smoke ranks higher than being able to enter buildings, at least for me. Buildings are not a problem unless you would make a huge town map, but smoke has been used tactically by tanks and for artillery, so this is a realism tweak we're after as well (it was just impossible to get it into the first release because it's not trivial at all to add it without a big hit to framereates).


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