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Units stop after next command

Blade Runner

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Hi there!

First of all, the Simulator ist great!! I am sure the problems will be fixed soon.

I have three remarks:

1.) I have noticed that all units stop after they received a new command. They stop and then continue. Thats should be fixed. If I only want to make a small correction of the next target or waypoint, they should do that while driving.

2.) Why doesn't the infantry attack with a firing element (suppressing fire) and a moving element? --> Feuer und Bewegung

3.) I am not sure if the Tank-strenght are correct. I have for example difficulties to destroy a T-34 with a Tiger tank. As I know from historical reports the tiger was way more powerful than a t-34

See Otto Carius: Tiger im Schlamm; Hans-Joachim Jung: Panzerregiment Grossdeutschland, 2. Korrigierte Auflage, e.g. S. 197: "Mehr als 200 sowjetische Kampfpanzer werden von den ca. 22 einsatzbereiten Panzern IV, 6-7 Tiger und 8-10 Panthern abgeschossen."..."Das Panzerregiment Grossdeutschland meldet seit Beginn der Aufstellung im Maerz 1943, also seit einem Jahr, den 1000 Panzerabschuss. Dabei finden sich unter den jetzt vernichteten Feindpanzern die ersten neuen Panzertypen 'Josef Stalin' mit 122mm Bordkanone. Die T 34 sind jetzt mit der neuen, weit staerkeren Bordkanone 8,5cm bewaffnet, die schweren Sturmgeschuetze der Sowejets verfuegen ueber die Rohre mit 100 und 122mm Kaliber. Neben der zahlenmaessigen Ueberlegenheit waechst der technische Kampfwert der Sowjets und erschwert das Gefecht."

or S. 193: "... schlug Panzerfeuer schwersten Kalibers aus grosser Entfernung zwischen uns. Wir stellten bald fest, dass es von schweren Panzern aus etwa 3000 Meter Entfernung abgegeben wurde.Erst dachten beide, dass sich eigene 'Tiger' verfahren haetten, weil wir derart schweres Kaliber beim Russen noch nicht erlebt hatten. Eine Kompanie echter 'Tiger' wurde heranbefohlen, die gegen die Feindpanzer das Feuer aufnahm. Man sah deutlich die Aufschlaege der Granaten an den Panzern, sie prallten aber alle ab. Der Kammandeur der 'Tiger'-Abteilung befahl den Angriff seiner Panzer, fuhr auf 2000 bis 1800 Meter an den Gegner heran und nahm ihn unter Feuer. Vier Panzer brannten bald, drei verliessen, soweit ich das Beobachten konnte, die Stellung in schneller Fahrt. Ich befahl eine Panzer-IV-Kompanie in meine Naehe, sie sollte ostwaerts Ruginoasa ausholen und die Fluechtlinge abschiessen. Die schnellen und wendigen 'kleinen' Panzer hatten das Glueck an die sowjetischen Kolosse auf 1000 Meter gedeckt heranzukommen und sie rueckseitig zu fassen: Die Gegner blieben nach Treffer stehen und brannten aus, wie wir spaeter feststellten. Es waren neue 'Stalin': Starke Kanone, starke Panzerung, niedriger Aufbau, aber langsam und nicht wendig genug; die Besatzung war meines Erachtens auch noch nicht genuegend mit dem neuen Typ vertraut."

I have also read in Otto Carius 'Tiger im Schlamm', that the sowjets often left the ''Panzerluke'' closed during battle an they lost the survey over the battlefield.

One could fix this: the german tanks should be more powerful and better trained and the sowjets should be in superior number (from a specific date).

best regards

Blade Runner

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Blade Runner:

To 1):

Yes that stopping makes me crazy, too, sometimes. Especially when the tanks are under fire.

But I guess, since the tank commanders get their orders by mail pigeons they have to stop and take them aboard.

To 3):

You are right, I also faced this phenomenon. First in the Citadel mission ...and then in the rest of the german campaign, too. I posted it already in another post. The way how the T-34 AND M4 afterwards just swallow the 8,8 cm shell looks more to be a balancing and gameplay reason than a realistic fact.

Even with the T-34 sloped armor it shouldn`t look like they got no harm at all. Because the way it is now you also can use the Pz IV`s. There is no difference in the different calibers (75, 76 or 88mm) in the game. At least not in the german campaign. :)

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Blade Runner,

1) every unit must have some time to onsider the orders.

2) use Attack move or Sturm command - your soldiers will run, periodically stopping to shoot at the enemy.

3) what kind of difficulties? please be more specific.

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Originally posted by DeLaVega:

Blade Runner:

To 1):

Yes that stopping makes me crazy, too, sometimes. Especially when the tanks are under fire.

But I guess, since the tank commanders get their orders by mail pigeons they have to stop and take them aboard.

To 3):

You are right, I also faced this phenomenon. First in the Citadel mission ...and then in the rest of the german campaign, too. I posted it already in another post. The way how the T-34 AND M4 afterwards just swallow the 8,8 cm shell looks more to be a balancing and gameplay reason than a realistic fact.

Even with the T-34 sloped armor it shouldn`t look like they got no harm at all. Because the way it is now you also can use the Pz IV`s. There is no difference in the different calibers (75, 76 or 88mm) in the game. At least not in the german campaign. :)

Totally agree. T34s are trading blows with Tigers and Panthers and coming out equal, if not ahead. 88mm bouncing off T34s, but 76mm and 85mm having no trouble knocking out the big cats.

This kind of nationalistic developer cheating I truly despise.

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Originally posted by rune:

Ahh...what ammo did you select? What part of the tank did you aim at? What range was it and how do you know?


Me? Select ammo? That's what I pay my crews for. Or are they incapable of doing what the computer AI is capable of doing? Eg, selecting the correct ammo. :rolleyes:

Oh, I just considered the ramifications of that one...along with coping with all the other mayhem on the battlefield, we're supposed to run around all our tanks telling the loader which ammo to use? Hello, Speedy Gonzales come in, me right hand's about to drop off and me mouse is on fire.

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Originally posted by BillyBob:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by rune:

Ahh...what ammo did you select? What part of the tank did you aim at? What range was it and how do you know?


Me? Select ammo? That's what I pay my crews for. Or are they incapable of doing what the computer AI is capable of doing? Eg, selecting the correct ammo. :rolleyes:

Oh, I just considered the ramifications of that one...along with coping with all the other mayhem on the battlefield, we're supposed to run around all our tanks telling the loader which ammo to use? Hello, Speedy Gonzales come in, me right hand's about to drop off and me mouse is on fire. </font>

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Originally posted by BillyBob:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by rune:

Ahh...what ammo did you select? What part of the tank did you aim at? What range was it and how do you know?


Me? Select ammo? That's what I pay my crews for. Or are they incapable of doing what the computer AI is capable of doing? Eg, selecting the correct ammo. :rolleyes:

Oh, I just considered the ramifications of that one...along with coping with all the other mayhem on the battlefield, we're supposed to run around all our tanks telling the loader which ammo to use? Hello, Speedy Gonzales come in, me right hand's about to drop off and me mouse is on fire. </font>

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Originally posted by Chazman:

"Could you be a bit more constructive you freggin' looser?"

Kind of hard to be constructive of something that is completely busted, loser!

Funny, thats how I'm beginning to feel about you, Chazman.
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Why should the units need to stop for considering a new command? That makes no sense for me.

I will note some situations for point 3 as soon as I have time. I am at the moment on military duty (switzerland).

[ April 29, 2007, 03:17 PM: Message edited by: Blade Runner ]

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