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I am a big fan of the COMBAT MISSION series of games, I own them all. My only problem with the series was their dated graphics, etc.

So when THEATER OF WAR was offered, I decided if it is BATTLEFRONT, it must be good.

My mistake.

This game may look marginally better than COMBAT MISSION, but as a game it is completely inferior. In fact, at the distance from the battlefield which the camera usually is, the difference in graphics is marginal.

Infantry combat is poorly modelled, you can't get your troops to do what you want, there is no way to take advantage of cover, and they don't use their limited anti-tank weapons against armour. You can't dig in AT Guns, they are visible at huge distances.

Tanks are slightly better, but the interface is klunky, and the AI is poor.

As this game stands now, I can't reccommend it to anyone in the gaming community.

Too bad.

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Oh yeah, forgot about the lockups.

I have dual processor 3.0 Intel, (early gen), which I set for single processor, and relatively low resolution and quality. (what the game reccommends) The game seems to work fine, then suddenly, for no particular reason, it locks up.

There is no auto save, so that means if you've forgotten to save, then you are stuck back at the start of the scenario.

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Well there's the rub, isn't? It isn't a Battlefront game. It's a 1C game. Battlefront merely distributes it. Sure, Battlefront made many suggestions to improve the game, but that doesn't mean 1C actually has to listen (although my impression is that they did for the most part).

However, I totally understand what you're saying. At first I thought ToW was going to be a real-time version of CM and was really excited. But after Moon and Matt warned us that this game was NOT CM and a totally different game, I became rather cautious. I was thinking of pre-ordering, but I decided to hold off and try the demo first. Thank goodness I did. I'll just be saving my money for CM: Strike Force and if I really need a real-time strategy game to tide me over, I'll probably just try out World in Conflict. Hinds, T-80s, BMPs, BTRs? Yes, please (although I'm sure it won't be technically accurate to the real world weapon systems).

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