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I'm evaluating the purchase of ToW but, as many others I guess, I have a question about the system reqs.

My computer is an Athlon 64 3200+ with 1024 mb Ram and a plain GF6600 (256 mb) video card. What can I expect from ToW? I know I probably won't be able to play at full resolution and detail but can I expect good frame rate if I lower the detail a bit (without completely destroying all the beautiful graphics of course)?


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Originally posted by crazyman56:

I would say thats fine full detail should be possible i think.

I really hope it is this way. The main problem is of course my videocard. The range between the minimum and the recommended video card in the official system req is very wide and can be interpreted in may different ways. It all depends on what the dev team means with the words "minimum" and "recommended". Does "minimum" mean that the game will start but that the playability will be compromised? Does "recommended" mean that with that configuration the player will be able to activate every single graphic effect and detail maintaining an optimal frame rate? In my (long) experience the words "minimum" and "recommended" means a lot of very different things to various dev teams. It would be nice if the Battlefront team told us what is their interpretation of those words.


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Valgua, I have the exact same card (although a slightly more powerful CPU/RAM) and have zero problems with game performance, not even in the biggest battles. Since I have been taking most of the screens you see released in the past weeks, you can see the graphics quality I get right there.


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Originally posted by Moon:

Valgua, I have the exact same card (although a slightly more powerful CPU/RAM) and have zero problems with game performance, not even in the biggest battles. Since I have been taking most of the screens you see released in the past weeks, you can see the graphics quality I get right there.


Wow! Great news! Just to make it absolutely clear: you have a *plain* 6600 GeForce Card (not a GT one)? Right? If you confirm this I'll preorder the game right now. Thank you for your kindness,


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