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A couple of questions


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The mission editior does not include a map editor - unfortunately... There will be around 30 maps included with the release version. Not all of each map is playable in each mission. So you can see different areas of the same map in different missions. You can play each map at different times of the year. That way we should get more variety than what the first impression of "30" maps implies.

There are no desert maps included in the release. All combat takes place in Poland, France, Russia and Germany. Maybe an add-on or a ToW2 - all depending of the (commercial) success of ToW.


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A map editor for the community would be a wondrous thing. I would hope it would come along in the 2nd patch or so. Typically the first patch addresses gamebreaking bugs or exploits that the community finds after slipping by the beta testers.

I, for one, would love to see a map editor to go with ToW. Not because I love to create maps, but because it extends the life of this type of game SO much. And because I have a feeling that many of you would create fantastic scenarios and maps and upload them for the members of the community to enjoy. :D

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Very first thing I did when I bought all three CM games was to head straight for the editor :)

So yes, it is important for the game to have an editor PLUS be able to mod the game graphics. Look how important mods are for AK and BB. The guys who made mods for CM (and I thank each and every one of you!) have helped extend the life of the CM games and kept players interested.

But let's not forget the team at BF. Without them none of this would not of happened....thanks guys! :)

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