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In the first concept of the game waaaaay back they even had nurses in the game. By then it was even possible to place a nurse into a tank and let her "try" to drive it (but according to 1C she would not have performed to well). It was a huge fuzz about that "feature" back then on the codemasters forum and after the game came to Battlefront the nurses got AFAIK removed from the game. Not sure about medics in general.

For the "infantry damage model" you will have a health bar and a morale bar for each soldier. I thought I read somewhere that if a soldier is hit it is not always the same reduction of the health bar, so that it is possible to kill a soldier with one shot or only do minor injuries to him...... but I can not find it right now.


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Too many reasons to list them all. Let's just say that the simulation of combat medics had to be either at least somewhat right - or removed.

A well designed game is not one which tries to include everything, but the one that draws a fine line between what to include and what not to make a balanced and credible simulation. TOW was like that from the ground and needed only a little nudge here and a small cut there from us. Medics were one of those little cuts.

The good news is that the groundwork for medics is in the code, so if TOW sells well and we would do a Part 2 or 3, chances are that 1C could include a full-blown medics system including soldier skills and what not in future releases.


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Originally posted by Common_sense22:

Any particular reason why they were dropped from development Moon?

Seems like the game is going to be missing a key World War II player: battlefield medicine.

In a 'combat' simulation (I know its not in its truest sense but near enough) having medics would make no difference to your gameplay, other than using up valuable resource extracting the wounded. In a protracted campaign with resource management then yes include it, but in TOW a guy is shot....wounded? Lightly or heavily? Incapacitated? Dead? Thats all you need to know!!!!
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In a protracted campaign with resource management then yes include it
This is what I was thinking about. Resource allocation.

I wasn't referring to having an automatically healing unit on the field. That certainly isn't realistic in any sense of the word.

I have one more question. I'm also a bit confused about the mortors. Are they actually included as a weapon that your infantry can carry around or can you only call in light mortor strikes from off the map?

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Currently mortars only off-map AFAIK.

Another thing - campaign system differs much from Close Combat. In CC you 'bought' units which stayed with you until killed or disbanded. In TOW you have amount of buying points for each mission in campaign set by mission designer, and you must buy all from scratch each time. Only experience of units is saved - i.e. you can by the same tank you used earlier, with the same number and the same experienced crew.

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